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Restart information [03 Nov 2017|11:23pm]
We don't have a reopening date yet, but things have been changed and adjusted for a future restart. There aren't a ton of changes, but there are some big ones. The plan is to reopen with 20 applications.

We're opened.

The following was sent as a mass comment, but it has been added to.

Everman is not in Midland.
Reaper Nomads have been called in to help the Reapers. The arrived in September.
The Reapers ended their deal with the Cartel in 1995, which is when the Rejects first appeared with an unknown president.
Gannon became vice president in the Summer of 2015.
Drave Dalton was killed in September 2016.
Carmen was killed on November 29, 2015.
Sully was killed on June 6, 2017, followed by Mac on 13th.
Gannon took the president seat in July 2017.
June 2017, the Rejects planted the bomb in the road, killing multiple people.
We will not be taking holds for officer positions. We will have a vote soon after first adds. The only positions held will be Midland's president and VP, as well as the Nomad's president and VP.
Carmen and Sully no longer have 4 children. They have Gannon (son, 1978), Cara (daughter, 1982), Declan (son, 1982, deceased), Fionna (daughter, 1988), Sean (son, 1990), Daniel (son, 1993), Sophia (daughter, 1996)
We have opened the holds page back up.
The application post is open.
IC posts MUST be clean upon applying to avoid confusion with past comments.
Friends lists must be cleared out, except for [info]hellsreapers. Remove all button is still on the drop box.
[info]thepitsofhell has been replaced with [info]pitsofhell
[info]outskirtsofhell has been replaced with [info]thegrave
The application page has changed. Be sure to read it and follow the steps. Applications will be denied if even one step isn't followed.

Read the premise and the timeline for more updates. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

[ viewing | November 3rd, 2017 ]
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