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[01 Aug 2017|11:50am]
Hello! Total newbie here looking to bring in this girl. Meet Charlie Lawson, Midland native. She had a pretty rough upbringing with her single mother who finally succumbed to her drug habits less than a year ago. She's a pretty rough cookie, definitely a little guarded emotionally. She's a photographer and loves what she does. Right now she specializes in weddings and had been doing boudoir shoots for all her last friends. Connection wise she's an everman sweet butt, specifically Cain's which has been going on about six months.

[01 Aug 2017|02:32pm]
So, Amelia has a cousin. Her name is Taygen Elise Kelly, and she's the daughter of an incarcerated Midland patch. Just turned 23 years old, she's a nanny that is about to be employed by [info]jmdavenport. She often buts heads with her mother but she adores the woman and knows that it had to be hard, essentially being a single mother through a girl's teen years. She's very free-spirited and goes with the flow. She knows when to ask questions and when not to. She takes her job as a nanny very seriously but that's really the only thing in her life (outside of family) that she cares deeply about. Sex is fun but she usually loses interest if it sucks. Same with men - it's hard to keep her attention.

A lot more can be found in her bio, and it'll probably make a lot more sense than I do right now. She needs a lot of lines! I'd love a guy or two that she tried to have more with, but they both realized they were better as friends. She's extremely nice so I'm not above bribery for a close friend. Anything and everything, basically, svp!

[01 Aug 2017|11:25pm]
Okay, I have my list updated and I'm adding in lines they have and lines they need. Help me fill it out, haha. If you have a line if with any of my characters, remind me! Friends, cousins, family, hook up, whatever.

[ viewing | August 1st, 2017 ]
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