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[16 Jul 2017|11:11am]
Hey guys, so he was just accepted yesterday and since I'm a new player, I do feel a little confused and overwelmed on who is who, who is dating who, who is family and so on. So any help on that and lines for him would be greately appreciated!

Anyway since he is now in the game and I figued him out some, here is some info on this Everman enforcer. His name is Cory Moreo, 32 years old and raised in Everman, he had two uncles that were involved with the club, one is an Everman patch, the other was [info]deliaclaire, [info]vmoreo and [info]colleigh (I would love to chat more with you guys on what kind of relationship they have as cousins!). Anyway his father has always been very against the club, and hated his wife's side of the family. His oldest brother was just like their father and he became a police officer in Everman. Cory on the other hand was very close to his uncles growing up, and he lived as a teenager with his uncle in Everman. When he turned 18 he changed his lastname to his uncle's, Moreo. He spent two years in prison a few years ago for robbery, since he did the club a favor and went against his own brother, the police officer, and tricked them. When he came out from prison the club honered him by making him an enforcer.

As a person Cory is loyal, fun loving (like to take a few drinks and party, yet when it comes to business he's dead serious) and a people pleaser, (that does not mean you can boss him around, but he likes to do what he is told, at least in the club) he would walk through fire for his club and it's brothers. I would love all kinds of lines for him! Especially a baby mama two his two kids, an on/off fling, best friends since childhood, brothers in the club that joined when he did, around 2003, exes, his younger sister, his brother the police officer, anything you have throw it my way!

[16 Jul 2017|05:01pm]
Hey everyone, just checking to see if you need a police officer or medical personnel in the game, or something along those lines?

[ viewing | July 16th, 2017 ]
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