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[14 Jul 2017|01:27am]
Considering picking him back up, but with a major overhaul to his bio. I also need a PB change, which might not work well, but I want to try. He'll be Everman inside of Midland now. Unattached, no major relationships. So, help? Face help, too!

[14 Jul 2017|02:14pm]
Hhmmm...shall I make a new character?

Comments or TheDresdenFile [14 Jul 2017|10:50pm]


Here with my newest kid! This is Dresden Tyrrell Flores. 34 years of age, eldest brother to [info]arianicole. He's an Everman patch. He's a thrill seeker, always looking for that adrenaline high. He's a pretty cool, fun loving sort, but not when he's pissed off. He is protective of his siblings, especially Aria, which is why he's not going to always be so pleasant to [info]owelle (I'm gonna enjoy that!)

As for everything else, he's open, so give me those lines!

[ viewing | July 14th, 2017 ]
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