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Character List Bandwagon! [12 Jul 2017|03:38pm]

All right, folks!

I decided to jump on the character list bandwagon because I'm getting tired of listing all 8 of my damned characters from scratch.

Please see the list here! If anyone wants any lines with any of my kids, please comment! If you see anything missing in the list, let me know! Since the reboot, I may have forgotten some things.

Also, thanks to not yet having my own office, I cannot get onto Pidgin to access all of my AIM accounts. Can't go installing that software on a PC that belongs to someone else. Thus, my character journal also comes with an aim account, since AIM.com at least allows me to sign into ONE SINGLE ACCOUNT via the web. This, of course, is for OOC discussion, not scenes. Scenes go in threads!

AIM: actualizationRPmode

Until I have my own work PC and the new office, save this username. Or, just save it anyway. When I'm at home on my own laptop, I usually sign into all of my AIM accounts.

[ viewing | July 12th, 2017 ]
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