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and introducing... [05 Jun 2017|02:10am]
Allow me to formally introduce Lark Hunter.

This one is a little different, in that she probably won't be coming in right off with very many if any connections. The long and short of her bio (short I promise, or at least shorter than her actual bio) is that she is from New York. Formerly old lady (widowed) to Malachi O'Broin, a man who took a heavy prison sentence as the only one caught in a five person heist only to be killed in prison by a Reject only months after sentencing. Her own criminal activity was being leveraged against Lark as a means to get her to turn on the Reapers, the solution she came to was to leave New York in favor of joining up with Midland. She will be making connection at the rally, though I am sure that all of the officers would know she would be leaving Laconia and returning to Midland with them, as well as Dani of course... Everman leadership likely as well all things considered.

While she is currently unemployed, she will likely end up either at Curves or at the Den. That is as of yet unclear. Honestly, I am keeping a lot organic for now. By all means, lines, suggestions, thread requests, etc are all love.

aim popitandlarkit

[ viewing | June 5th, 2017 ]
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