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June 2019


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Mar. 7th, 2019



Hihi. So. I'm Misha. I think I know most of you. I'm living in Florida, with my parents, and going back to school so there are times I can't be online because of RL responsibilities, but I usually always have my phone and keep Discord running (though I have noticed lately I don't always get notifications of messages, grrrr). I'm Misha#9641 on Discord. Email is though that is a screening account, everything forwards to CeruleanMisha2.

I'm starting with six muses. Andy Dwyer | Parks & Rec | [info]ibrokeverything is coming from the end of S6, before the time jump. Fi is playing his wife April. Andy is a goofball and will think this is a grand adventure.

Diego Hargreeves | Umbrella Academy | [info]trythingsmyway is a new muse for me and I am so looking forward to playing him and getting to know him better. He's something of a superhero, with an ability to manipulate the trajectory of whatever he throws, usually knives. He can also hold his breath for an extended period of time.

John Murphy | The 100 | [info]thefleimkepa comes from the beginning of S3, when he's in the bunker. I haven't seen past S3, but spoilers are not an issue for me. He's 18 by this point, I think, so doesn't require a guardian.

Malia Tate | Teen Wolf | [info]coyotesmind has recently been forced back into human from her coyote form. She's been living as a coyote for 8 years, and will be struggling to figure things out as a human now. She is 16/17, and needs a guardian if anyone is willing to take her on! Wanda will be her guardian!

Sam Winchester | Supernatural | [info]fireinthesoul comes from the end of S12. I have not seen past that, but spoilers don't phase me. He's one of my longest active and strongest muses, so I'm really looking forward to playing him here.

Lastly, I have Janet from The Good Place at [info]imnotarobot. Because Janet can be summoned just by calling her name, I have a post here specifically for notifying me that your character needs Janet. I will do my best to respond in a timely manner, but please understand that I have responsibilities away from the computer and I may not always get to things right away. I am also not all knowing as Janet is, so if your character asks something I really can't answer, I'll BS it like nobody's business. That said, I am looking forward to playing Janet, and encourage you all to use and abuse her as they do on the show :)



+ 1 Isle Sea Demi-Goddess


Hi, everyone! I'm Zara and I'm bringing in Uma from the Disney Descendants franchise. She's currently at the canon point of the second film.

For those who do not know, Uma is the daughter of Ursula from The Little Mermaid. She's a Villain Kid, Captain of the Lost Revenge, and currently 'in charge' of the Isle in that she runs the largest turf having taken over Mal and crew's area following their moving to Auradon. Uma has a large chip on her shoulder about the way the other four up and left and forgot about everyone else. She plans to get herself, her crew, and every other kid off the Isle, and she plans to do it any way she can.

According to the official canon, Uma and Mal used to be best friends until Mal tossed a bucket of old rotting shrimp over Uma's head, and forced the nickname 'Shrimpy' upon the girl. This is just one of the many things that Uma can never forgive Mal for.

Needless to say, we're looking at a very angry girl here. Oh, and Uma is about 16/17, and so will be in need of a guardian. Anyone willing to open their place to her? Sam Winchester has offered to be her guardian!

Looking forward to interacting with you all when the game opens!

Mar. 5th, 2019



Video for new arrivals )