hexennacht media


9th June 2008

The Daily Prophet

Monday, June 9th, 1985

Muggles Suspected in Multiple Magical Murders
Over the past two weeks, there has been an increase in the amount of fatal attacks within the magical community. Originally thought to be the unfortunate outcomes of heated Quidditch rivalries as the Quidditch World Cup stirred up controversy, a disturbing pattern has begun to suggest otherwise.
Late last night, the bodies of three witches were found outside an unknown club in Hackney. Maria Lyons, age 23, Natasha Ivory, age 22, and an unidentified friend of the two women had headed out after leaving work earlier that night. The three women were interns for the Department of International Magical Cooperation, and had just started at the Ministry of Magic a few weeks before their deaths. The women were found to have been stabbed and beaten, with their wands left grasped in their hands, clasped to their chests.
These are the latest of a series of similar deaths in the magical community. Starting with the death of 19-year-old Ministry employee, Scott Bradford, nearly two weeks ago, the latest deaths brings this unfortunate total to ten.
Bob Akon, Ministry spokesman, was quick to release a statement regarding these deaths.
"These attacks seem to fit a very distinctive pattern," the statement read. "These have all been stabbing deaths, which is an unusual way for most wizards to kill, though we have far from ruled out an attacker within the magical community, and they have all been found with their hands upon their chests, clasping their wands. The Ministry's highest trained Aurors have been working around the clock to close this case before it gets out of hand, and we have even requested those who were previously let go return to their posts if at all possible, as well as begun accepting new applications."
Akon also stated that so far, all the victims have been young, dark-haired, halfblood witches and wizards, working within the Ministry in some capacity. Most of the deaths have taken place between 9 PM and 3 AM, though no specific area in London seems to be the target, as they have taken place in Hackney, Hammersmith, and even the Earl's Court tube station.
The Ministry would like to remind all magical citizens to be careful when walking in Muggle London, and to adhere to the requested curfews. They would also like to remind the Wizarding world that vigilante justice will not be tolerated, and that any attacks upon the Muggle world for these acts will be tried and punished to the full extent of the law.

World Tour for The Weird Sisters To Begin Next Week
On the heels of their latest album release, Sincerely Yours, Expletive Deleted, wizard rock phenomenon the Weird Sisters will be rolling through Europe starting next Monday. The tour will kick off with a few stops across Asia with their first stop in Korea, and will be supported by Scrambles, a new band out of Italy. Scrambles, the until now unknown band, was discovered by lead vocalist and rhythm guitarist Myron Wagtail and Heathcote Barbary, who stumbled upon them at a pub following an interview last week.
"I love them! They gave me candy," Wagtail said when asked how they had chosen the latest unknown band for their European tour dates. This follows a common theme for most of the Sisters headlining tours for the past three years, nearly all of which have included fresh faces in the rock scene for their opening acts.
"I like to give small bands a chance," reasoned lead guitarist Kirley Duke. "F---, we were small once, right?"
A previous discovery of theirs, the Finnish-based Parasiiti, will be teaming up with the Sisters when they hop the pond and hit America on the 21 of this month. It will be the first time the Weird Sisters and Parasiiti have teamed up for an American tour in nearly two years, and this time they promise to be better than ever.
"We're really stepping it up this time around. We've got four albums of new songs we are working on and a few surprises," said Regulus Black, one of the two lead vocalists for Parasiiti. News of the tour smooths over rumours that the band was headed for a dramatic break up just over a month ago, though Annikki Duedson, the Parasiiti manager, claims that everything was always fine with the band and breaking up was never discussed..
Supporting the Weird Sisters and Parasiiti, in the tradition of all Parasiiti tours for the past year and a half, Umlauti, side project of Parasiiti's second vocalist, Burton Jones, will be opening for both bands. It will be the first time that the Weird Sisters and Umlauti will be sharing a stage, and everyone involved claims this is not a tour to be missed.
Tickets go on sale tomorrow and are expected to sell out quickly. However, management for the Weird Sisters would like to thank everyone who does manage to come out, and, that if demand for more shows is apparent, they will extend their tour as needed.

France vs. South Africa: Mbete To Miss Rest of Season
Quidditch fans lined the stadium in Paris yesterday afternoon to watch two of the biggest rivals in Quidditch history, France and South Africa, beat it out for a place in the Quidditch World Cup. These two rivals have been known to create some of the bloodiest games in the past, and this match was no different.
Within three minutes of the starting whistle, France had to replace both Beaters and their Seeker with their reserves. With the game tied fifty to fifty just thirty minutes into the game, Mosiuoa Mbete the Seeker for South Africa fell from his broom and landed in the middle of the pitch, breaking both arms and his left leg. He was taken immediately from the game and rushed to hospital, complaining of severe abdominal pain, which was believed to be caused by internal injuries. Several cries of foul play from South Africa were immediately heard, all fingers pointing directly at the Captain of the French team, Bertrand Croix.
The game was immediately suspended, in order to prevent a riot on the part of the South African crowd, and investigations into the accusations were quickly enacted. After two hours, Quidditch officials were unable to find any evidence to prove foul play on the part of Croix or the French team, and play resumed.
Five minutes after play resumed, Thabo Msimang, reserve Seeker for South Africa, caught the Snitch while hanging upside down from his Cleansweep, ending the game and snagging a victory for South Africa, 490-300.
"It's horrible what happened," said Msimang at the victory party following the game, "but he would have wanted us to keep playing, and we did. This one was for Mosi, and we will make it to the finals, even without him!"
Official word from the hospital was that, while Mbete was recovering quickly, it will be several weeks before he is fully recovered. He has been placed on the reserve list until he can regain all his strength, and it is expected that he will be sitting out until the beginning of next season.
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