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Magic Days OOC

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[12 Jul 2007|10:06am]
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[ music | Crash and Burn ~ Savage Garden ]

I thought I would put up a post for people to discuss the OotP movie. So yeah, here's a spoiler warning if it's used.

(I would love to add my thoughts, but I'm not seeing it until Saturday so you'll all have to wait.)

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[12 Jul 2007|10:48am]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]lotus_flowers)



Life has been totally stressful, and we've been without internet and exams are way too soon and omgomgomg.

So, I see we're hiatusing for this month - which is probably a really good thing (for me at least) seeing as I haven't been here in ages and I AM SO SORRY about that. =3
Every now and again I'd be all OMG! -wants to be obnoxious, where is Cormac- or OMG! -has never actually done a real long thread with Padma therefore should do one- but there's never been any time or anything.

...on a happier note, I finally preordered my copy of HP&DH? ^^;

How is everyone?

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[12 Jul 2007|10:55am]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]the_mclaggen)

Oh, oh, and I probably should have just edited my last OOC post, but I'm totally excited to be back, so you can just put up with my spam... =D

There are new characters. Which is totally awesome! Cormac and Padma would like to meet them please. ^^
So, I should also had OMGHI, I'M CHARLOTTE!1!


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