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First plot post! [14 Apr 2007|12:09pm]
[ mood | mmm, a bagel ]
[ music | Entering Bootytown ~ Music ]

And the game begins )

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Plot post post, heh [14 Apr 2007|12:11pm]
[ mood | still have the bagel ]
[ music | Way Back Into Love [Demo Version] ~ Music ]

Sorry for the spam )

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Intro Posts! [14 Apr 2007|10:32pm]
LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]bangled_beauty)

Bronte here to introduce her characters and work out character relations and all that.

So there's Parvati whose a 5th year Gryffindor who loves anything girly, Morag, a 5th year Ravenclaw whose kind of normalish, I suppose (I don't really know how to describe her) and Fred, ho really needs no introduction.

So yeah. =)
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[ viewing | April 14th, 2007 ]
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