MCU Canon Fodder

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February 11th, 2014

tartapplesauce: Obadiah Stane and Personal Space (the shoulder grabs)

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Wonder why Steve might take a 'friendly’ overture as an aggressive act designed to signal dominance, control and superior status?
Tony, whether he realises it or not, learned that trick from Obie.

(Warning: I intuited this the first time around, and the screencaps alone skeeve me the heck out. Brrrrrr.)

December 10th, 2008

edgebug: J.A.R.V.I.S. becomes human because Tony treats him as human

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the reason Jarvis has become so human is because Tony treats him like he’s human.

April 23rd, 2014

dickgraysonn: Avengers edit Earth's mightiest heroes thing

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it’s what we call ourselves – sort of like a team. earth’s mightiest heroes type thing.

Long post, gorgeous edits with all the movies up to Cap2. (Except for Hawkeye?)
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