July 31st, 2008

[info]stopthatgirl7 in [info]materia_play

[fic] Harrow Children: Prologue and Part the First

Title: Harrow Children
Author: joudama
Fandom: FF7 (Advent Children)
Rating: PG to R, worksafe
Warnings: AU. Also, epic.
Word count: 18,626
Status: 1/4
Summary: The line between the quick and the dead is thin and blurred, and some fragments of memories live on past death.
Prompt: Zack lives!Advent Children AU.
A/N: Blame [info]chibirisuchan for this. It's all her fault. Zack Fair is NOT plug and play, and this has turned into a monster, and any and all plotbunnies I get have this tendancy to grow fangs and become venomous.

Harrow Children

(link goes to my fic journal)
