June 14th, 2007

[info]yohjideranged in [info]materia_play

Community Promotion

Have you ever tried to write fan fiction using only 100 words. It's not easy, but it can be done. You have to choose your words carefully to get your point across. It takes brain power, muse inspiration and the sheer will to make the fiction readable.

I am here to introduce a 100-word drabble challenge asylum for the Final Fantasy VII fandom. Each Monday a challenge prompt will be posted. During that week until the following Sunday, finished drabbles can be posted in the asylum for 10 points to the team of your choice - Avalanche, Turks, or SOLDIER. Of course the points don't really mean anything, they are just there for the mere satisfaction of saying "hah!" to the other teams.

If you are up for a challenge or looking for a quick read, we welcome you to join the asylum! Members are always wanted - muses eat free. ^_^
