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when was the last time you were disappointed? [09 Dec 2017|08:22pm]

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lightening deal: free customs [08 Dec 2017|10:07pm]

and i'm back.

i want to know everyone and everyone should get to know me because i'm mateo and i'm a nice person. i'm also deaf so I leave you with this. Which reason would be most useful for you?
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customs are muy bueno [08 Dec 2017|04:13pm]

i'm sofi and when i asked my kids what they wanted for christmas this year, my ten year old daughter said make up. why can't they be babies forever? thank god there's wine to distract me from my parental woes. with that being said, what were some things you couldn't wait to be 'grown up' enough to do? did it live up to the hype, or were you let down?
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customs for all [06 Dec 2017|11:18pm]

alright everyone, i'm sam. tell me about your favourite holiday traditions - either the upcoming ones, or any from around the year.
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[06 Dec 2017|09:24pm]

what's up, i'm maeby and i wanna get real with you for a minute: what's the most unhealthy thing you do? also, ask for a custom
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customs. [05 Dec 2017|07:09pm]

i'm judd and starting my fifth plate of tacos for the day, so let's talk food. what do you love and hate, don't make this awkward because you try to preach health food my way. fifth plate of tacos, i don't care.
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customs, i got em. [05 Dec 2017|08:13pm]

the name's eddy and i just spent the last twelve hours of my life watching the x-files in preparation for the season eleven premiere. i also spent that time debating whether or not the monsters in the show need mulder as much as he needs them. and is scully really immortal. it's a lot to take in. i guess this where i'm suppose to ask a question but i got nothing and just want to talk more x-files, scully.
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customs, but i'm flexible. [03 Dec 2017|06:47pm]

the name's gabe, mr. lawrie if you're nasty, and i think we should play two truths and a lie. i'll go first. i've never learned how to ride a bike, i once flooded my airbnb out of spite, and i flirt with every single one of my uber drivers. i wanna hear yours, too, so don't be shy.
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[02 Dec 2017|09:55pm]

I'm Devin and I am a binge watcher. I'm getting ready to binge watch Luke Cage. What's your favorite thing to binge watch?
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customs, puppies, etc. [02 Dec 2017|05:47pm]

Hello. Today (five seconds ago, actually) I burned the SHIT out of my tongue on my Fancy Ramen™. I know it's not a third degree burn because it still hurts like hell, but STILL! Anyone have any cures for that? Right now, there's not enough beer in the world*

*my fridge

155 comments|post comment

custom for custom. [01 Dec 2017|08:54pm]

If you could have any tattoo, no matter the price, what would you have?

Hey there, I'm Asa Leitz owner of Black Dahlia Tattoos. 24 days until Christmas, anyone else late on getting their shopping done? I do at least have my tree up.
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customs are feel good [29 Nov 2017|09:54am]
figured another introduction would be good since there seems to be a lot of new faces. plus i promised myself i would be more active since i am a little more free to do so.

konnichiwa *bows* i'm roux!

tell me what you are currently celebrating? me? i have officially and successfully finished my manga series, onward to working on my next project after the christmas season.
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what are your guilty pleasures? get deep with it [26 Nov 2017|10:08pm]

[ music | anon should be enabled ]

Got you sensitive oh well, too bad. Bet I wasted way too many years of my life on that. Yeah yeah And it looks like rain. Baby take me when you ready. Baby I can get loud, And it looks like rain. And it looks like rain, rain, rain, rain. You're calling me a crybaby, But you're making me cry. Oh yeah, you're calling me a crybaby. you're calling me a crybaby. I'll show you a crybaby, Yeah yeah. Always catching myself at night, Only go out when the sun goes down. I got an ocean of emotion inside. I am not Poseidon , but I ride him in the riptide. So no, no turning back now, got you sensitive oh well, fuck that. Bet I wasted way too many years of my life. Let me worry 'bout that. You guys telling me I'm so emotional, I guess that's a bad thing. You guys telling me I'm a crybaby, Well let me teach you how to cry baby. Banging on the floor, I go up and down, up and down. Banging on your walls, I go up and down, up and down.
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happy thanksgiving [23 Nov 2017|02:48pm]

happy thanksgiving everyone, hope you all enjoy your holiday! i can't wait to dig in!
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customs, i got em. [23 Nov 2017|01:31pm]
waiting until the day of to drive out to miami was a huge mistake. it took six hours and a tank and a half to get to my mom's house. on the bright side, dinner is in about three hours and my cousin lisvany wants to just drink and play dominos til then. clearly shits about to get gloriously buckwild.

i'm dre and this is what my life is going to be until sunday. how's this holiday break going for you?
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Custom for a custom [22 Nov 2017|10:10pm]

Hello everyone! I’m Josephine Dimas, but you can call me Jo. I’m 27 and I work for a no-kill animal rescue called Ayla’s Acres. I’m currently baking a dozen or so chocolate chip cookies for Thanksgiving tomorrow, what are you al up too?
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turkey day is coming [22 Nov 2017|07:08pm]

What are you all most looking forward too on Thanksgiving?
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customs are free to a good home [20 Nov 2017|08:33pm]

hey guys i’m mateo. this has probably been done but it’s a good ice breaker. if you had to give up one of your senses which would it be and why?

and just feel free to introduce yourself because hey, new friends are great.
108 comments|post comment

customs for all [19 Nov 2017|02:15pm]

Hello, I'm Nadia and I'm addicted to Zefir...what's one sweet you're addicted too?
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customs for all. [12 Nov 2017|12:11pm]

hi i'm marilyn and after surviving a family brunch i did some childhood box digging and managed to find my dream phone game and dear diary. let us reminisce, tell me what toy was your favorite growing up or was there anything you ever wanted but never got?
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