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You get a custom and you get a custom and you get a custom! [12 Nov 2017|07:11am]
'Ello there! I'm Logan and I like lists - and alliteration, apparently. And options. So here:
► Gimme a song you can't stop listening to lately.
► Something you are positively shameless about.
► Something (picture, lyric, words, etc) that best describes you.
Because reciprocity is king:
Please don't ever become a stranger whose laugh I could recognize anywhere.
► See above. And my love of Lip Gallagher.
1, 2, 3.

Your turn!
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customs for all. [12 Nov 2017|12:11pm]
hi i'm marilyn and after surviving a family brunch i did some childhood box digging and managed to find my dream phone game and dear diary. let us reminisce, tell me what toy was your favorite growing up or was there anything you ever wanted but never got?
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