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8D!! [22 Feb 2015|10:58pm]

So I had my kid. I'm back online now though, so if you want Jhator, Arjun, Stille, Irshya, Toska, or Starke, please let me know! 8D I miss writing a lot, so yeah. ;;

It seems like things have been slow while I was in the hospital. ;; sad face. But I've pretty much decided that I'm not gonna chase you guys down to be active anymore. If it works here, it works-- if it doesn't, we can either continue as a closed game after inactive members are cut or work out another idea. Whichever works.

But yes! For writing, either IM me at [ retromortis ] or email me at [ veer.through.trees @ ]


Looking to write~ [10 Feb 2015|01:57pm]

Haaaaay all~

Looking to write with Dalit or Wasonga. ;; My anxiety is running high so I'm quiet about approaching but I
Really would love to scene.

Hit me up aim veritas_ex_signo or mail for gdocs.

/sits in corner

[27 Jan 2015|04:16am]

HELLO MY CHILDREN, this is angie!! sorry for extended silence-- i've been navigating through a super gross backwards sleep schedule that is basc zzzzz for 14hrs a day and backwards from probably everyone. also, unintentionally avoiding chat stuff because hahaha. but i'm here attempting to fix my shit with tea and sleeping pills so, IF ANYONE WOULD LIKE A BLANCA/SIX/LARK...


it's party time [31 Dec 2014|08:44pm]


HI KIDS HAPPY NEW YEAR. ♥ i'm busy for the rest of the night for you know, shenanigans (zombies and rum, etc), but my body will be ready for after. for those who don't know me: i'm angie, i live in canadia, and i'm a youtube addict. my contact stuff is here, and i play:

BLANCA is currently tangled up with jhator, deus ex & ex-bounty hunter, gets around. despite a sense of humour, she's easily offended, and likes being saucy and showing her affection violently. LARK is a left-behinder with emberswarm and thus is breaking apart from the inside out. she's curious and one of the more hopeful of the left behind kids, and pokes around doing deliveries and helping out when asked. as of a couple months ago, she's gone mute, thanks vocal cords!!! SIX is of the skypeople and a mechanic, but she fixes all sorts of knicknacks and electronics. she's pretty surly and lineface, so approach with caution. she's got some metal wings i'll detail later but for now, bACK TO CHICKEN

H-Haaay [31 Dec 2014|05:19pm]

h-eri here~

I run Dalit and Wasonga. ;w; Just letting people know rancid stuff is going on in life so I am super shy about contacting people/randomly wander off.

But I love writing so please poke me. The next couple weeks are gonna be kinda rough so I would love to get people to poke at the characters.
They like to bite, tho.

At least Wasonga.

OK. I'm done rambling.


Okay, let's get this shit together! [28 Dec 2014|10:27pm]

I know everyone's been super busy for the holidays, but we gotta get this going darlings. :] I've noticed that not everyone has a decent aim schedule, so I want to start this thread so that we have alternative forms of contact!

SO if you have any email, alternate messenger services, facebook, phone numbers, wtf ever, and general times when you like to play or are available! Email play and googledocs may be the next phase for us.

Also, our first cut will be January 14, so if you haven't intro'd characters, please please please get on that. :D I have some stuff from Sal and Salena/Hiiro to post up on the site and I'm waiting on profiles from Ashe, but other than that, everyone is in and everyone is good to go-- so now that the holidays are over, lets make this world shine together. <3


AFTER THE HOLIDAY CHEER [27 Dec 2014|12:13pm]

As I've had a nasty flu for the past week and a half or so, ONLY NOW AM I GETTING A CHANCE TO SAY, I HOPE YOUR HOLIDAYS HAVE BEEN SWELL :D :D :D

I am sending you all hugs and kisses from sort of far away, as I'm probably still contagious, though...


hey losers [18 Dec 2014|03:40pm]

I really wanna write with like, every single one of you. But I'm really confused as to what it is most of your characters do exactly? Where can I find them? How can I force them to interact with Sera???? These are the hard hitting questions xD

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