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July 16th, 2011

[info]magicborn in [info]marvelverseooc

Hello Hello!

So I figure as the game was suppose to start today, that I'd say my introduction. Sorry if this isn't the time or place for this yet mods, but the game was suppose to open on the 15th right?

Anyways, I'm Bunny and I brought in a bunch of characters from all over the board.

Billy Kaplan (Wiccan)/Young Avenger: Billy here for those who don't know, is the mystic son of the Scarlet Witch. His father is unknown (as of now), but that honestly doesn't matter. He's got kick ass lightning powers, and reality warping abilities. He's got a twin brother too, and he's openly gay. Contact Post!

Johnny Storm (The Human Torch)/Fantastic Four: If you don't know who this guy is, you're probably in the wrong game. This is Johnny. He's well... Johnny. Honestly if you don't know him, why are you here? Contact Post!

Emma Frost (The White Queen)/X-Men: This here is the Queen of the X-Men. I honestly don't care about that redhead girl, whatsherface. Emma here was once a badass bitch who basically gave up her rottenness to get into Scott Summers pants, and I mean really folks, who wouldn't? Contact Post!

Danny Rand (Iron Fist)/Heroes for Hire: Danny here is a martial artiest, who's basically the hero version of a whore. He does hero work for money (though he never really gets paid... someone should look into that). He's like famous in the martial arts world, and as Danny Rand he was once a billionaire kind of like Tony Stark but without the playboyness. Danny also tends to disappear to a mystical city every couple of weeks, where he had to fight for his life and barely survives. We all hope that someday he realizes he just should stay away. But then we wouldn't have much of a story with him. Oh and he totally DOESN'T have a crush on Daredevil. Those are horrible rumors spread by Spider-Man because he's jealous of Danny's awesome kung-fu. Contact Post!

So there are my peeps. I'm sure if you talk me into it, I can be talked into apping more. I know a crap ton about Marvel and it's basically my life. Which makes me a dork, but whatever. So about me?

I'm Bunny (like I've said), I've been a comic book fan for years and years (seriously I'm going to be 27 next month and I've been reading comics for as long as I could read). If you ever need to get a hold of me, AIM is the easiest as it's always on, but if you don't have that... email is the next best bet. Both of which can be found on any of the apps for any of my pups.


Who wants to play?

[info]marvelversemod in [info]marvelverseooc

Introductions and Beginnings!

Greetings everyone! Just to get the ball rolling, we are now officially open! Which means you can feel free to plot and post away! I'm Victoria one of the mods and I'll be doing updates as they happen! For now everyone should go ahead and hit the Friend Button to make sure you can see all our wonderful members! I am updating tags as we speak so please remember to use them in your posts so everyone is up to date on what happens and with who!