Sunday, August 28th, 2016


[anonymous writes:]
I have something you need.
(16 comments | Leave a comment)


Good news! I can say goodbye to the sling! Who's ready for tomorrow? I am pumped up! I probably won't sleep tonight. It kind of feels like Xmas Eve.
(4 comments | Leave a comment)


[Posted as Daredevil]

[Private to Maya]

I just heard of the article in the gossip column from this morning.
(15 comments | Leave a comment)

Saturday, August 27th, 2016

Forum: Private to X-Men Students, Staff and Friends

Crystal Amaquelin is spending the weekend at the X-Mansion, particularly so she can join us for our beach party. She's been given permission to stay, but still need to be cleared with security. Some of you have communicated with her on the Forum, but haven't met her before in person - make sure she's treated with hospitality.

[Private - so Crystal can't read]

She's staying with me in my room. Shut up.
(43 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, August 28th, 2016

forum: Jean and Vanessa

Shopping with girls is... different.
(26 comments | Leave a comment)

Friday, August 26th, 2016


Douche. You come into town, you don't say hi. You get a job, and then you don't even tell me about it. Asshole.
(5 comments | Leave a comment)

Forum: Public

Nothing says "welcome home" quite like poorly-spelled death threats painted on bricks thrown at my head. Regarding which, I appreciate the effort and planning put into this attempt at intimidation, but the execution was severely lacking. It's as though the good people of Fermont forget what my mutation actually is.

This town is terrible. I do not recommend it to anyone, and I will be back in New York as soon as I have fulfilled my obligations here. Back to my nefarious gay mutant agenda of planning French lessons, running my company, and attempting to teach children not to fly into walls. Tremble, humans.
(34 comments | Leave a comment)

Message: Bobbi Morse

[Filtered to Bobbi Morse]
Hey. I think I need help. I can't do this alone anymore. How are things?

[ooc note: daisy worked her hacker magic and routed through so many servers that it is next to impossible to trace where she posted this from]
(38 comments | Leave a comment)

Thursday, August 25th, 2016


Inquiring minds would like to know who names their kid Bucky? Is Bucky short for anything?
(33 comments | Leave a comment)

Public Forums

I guess I can't mope around forever. I should find myself a job or something. Maybe put my degree to good use finally.
(36 comments | Leave a comment)

[Private to Frank Castle]
The month of July speaks to me.

(6 comments | Leave a comment)

Monday, August 22nd, 2016


If you don't know how to wobble then y'all gon' learn today.

[Private to Beach Party goers]
You bet your a-s-s I'm going to be playing this song.
(43 comments | Leave a comment)

[Forum post for Xavier's staff/students/associates]

I will be teaching a few classes of basic and advanced field first aid at the school over the next few months. I was hoping to gauge interest in either class and then we could see when would be a good time? Basic first aid will take about 6 hours. Advanced field first aid will take 20 hours so not sure if that's better done as 3 days or 4?

I'm also open to helping people on an individual basis for meditation as a way to calm emotions that may or may not influence your powers. Let me know if you're potentially interested in this.
(71 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, August 21st, 2016

Forum: Open

Can anyone recommend a gym or someplace with good self-defense classes?
(44 comments | Leave a comment)

Forum: Public

As I conclude this summer's endless book tour, I returned to my apartment in Montréal this weekend to find that my one lonely houseplant is still alive despite many weeks of neglect. This is what true victory feels like. Be proud of me, Ororo.

I'll be in Montréal through Thursday, then up to my first home in Fermont for a day. Fermont is a mining town in northeastern Québec: cold, isolated, lonely, provincial. They tend not to care for mutants or gays there, but I am the town's most famous son, so this should be exciting in myriad ways. Then back to New York in time for the beach trip and a hot date.

Oh yes, and my agent would like me to remind you all to go and buy my book, Born Normal. It's an inspirational, daring instant classic of a memoir with a buoyant message of hope and resilience for anyone who's ever felt less than normal. This is from the back cover blurb, so you know it must be true. Also, proceeds go to charities in support of children and mutants. Think of the mutant children and pick up a copy at any discerning purveyor of literature near you.
(62 comments | Leave a comment)


[Identity continues to be unavailable]

That irritated feeling you get when someone attempts at doing a job placed before you. I can't say I'm not amused at all. It was humorous.

It also seems like people favor the color red. I prefer my red to be a shade of dark crimson.
(44 comments | Leave a comment)

Monday, August 22nd, 2016

forum: open

My new favourite thing might just be sitting in cafes watching videos of current Olympians as <10 year olds. Adorable. But watch out if you're wanting to get anything done near Madison Avenue near the square today. The India Day Parade is pretty crowded, I'm just steeling myself to try to navigate to saner pastures.
(2 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, August 21st, 2016

forum post

What day is it?
(100 comments | Leave a comment)


Look, I'm back! Any of you fucks even miss me? I didn't catch the g'damn ninja, but I did run into a red devil and a feral kitty.
(70 comments | Leave a comment)

Saturday, August 20th, 2016


Can we like go shopping for bikinis and stuff? Probably my only time I'm going to the beach before school starts and I want to look rockin'.

If you already bought yours post some pix!
(107 comments | Leave a comment)
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