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Wednesday, February 6th, 2019

    Time Event
    A Multi Era MCU Game
    Avengers: End Game is coming up and you're scared about what's going to happen to all the characters you love and cherish, aren't you? We get it. So are we. That's what inspired us to make this game, to give the Avengers, the Guardians, heck even the Agents of SHIELD a little bit of a do-over. You ready to dive in? Here goes:

    The whole world knows who the Avengers are. A team, divided by ideologies and steadfast loyalty, a group of heroes made into war criminals and fugitives. People who are capable of both losing the world's trust and yet still inspiring hope.

    The whole world knows who the Avengers are.

    And that when Thanos came: they lost.


    Time Loops is a Multi-era MCU game open to all MCU characters & adaptations of characters from the comics. It takes place technically after the events of "End Game," but a glitch in time has sent everyone back to one month following the disappearance of half of the planet.

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