MARVELLOUS! [ An RPG Ad Community for Marvel Fanat's Journal
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Tuesday, May 5th, 2015

    Time Event
    There's been a shift in the City!

    More like: there's been a shift in a couple of rules and player-based things. We've restructured a bit and are trying to format the game to be more like a GPSL in feeling, while having more of the coherency and mod-involvement of a game. We want WC to be a sound place with rules that keep others from dropping logs or causing drama.

    We've also altered some other things.

    1. We are no longer requiring the propitiatory journal names. If you want to use the i_ journals because you already have one, or you like it, it's welcome. But it's no longer necessary.

    2. Our posting requirements have been changed to give more leeway. Now we just ask that you finish one log a month with each character you've got.

    3. We now allow AU characters, and you can pull characters in from other games. (OCs are still out, though).

    There are other, smaller, changes to the rules, so have a look. We'd love to see new players, and we'd love to have players return!




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