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Friday, August 15th, 2008

    Time Event
    gotham knights.

    What happens when the Gotham police have a regular day on the job and joke around in the squadroom? What happens when Oracle logs off, Robin comes home from the Teen Titans, or Batman hangs up his cape?

    Batman has been active in Gotham City for twelve years to help redeem the city from itself. Since then, crazed psychotic killers and sociopaths have graced Gotham's streets. Vigilantes outside Batman's little clan are tolerated by the Dark Knight himself. The detectives of the Major Crimes Unit try to pick up the stuff that Batman can't get to during the day, Gotham City General deals with the wounds of the bystanders, and Wayne Enterprises increases its hold on the economic future of the city.

    What does it take to be a hero in a city like Gotham?

    Gotham Knights explores the daily lives of the everyday heroes, anti-heroes, criminals and anyone else living in Gotham City.

    game directory
    taken, held, available

    opening september 2008
    The last time I posted an ad similar to this, I never received any responses. It turns out, though, that Insanejournal simply wasn’t e-mailing me comments for a long stretch--so if you answered, I wouldn’t have known about it at the time. Anything answered now would probably be out of date...

    I am looking for any games out there that would allow an Illyana Rasputin into the game. Also, if anyone is in need of a Rahne Sinclair, I can play her, too.

    So many games have Illyana on their banned lists, so I just thought I would try here for a game. I am willing to play either of them in movieverse, or comicverse. While I would prefer the aftermath of Limbo, where she’s Magik, I’m fine with her powers being scaled down. Or even where she never went to Limbo, and grew up normally.

    I also considered just saying that samples were available upon request, as most of my samples are over on Greatestjournal. However, while that site’s around, I can still link people to what I’ve written. And I’ll be linking to what I’ve written in more than just the X-Men fandom.

    Some journal entries from when I played Illyana at theatrical_muse can be found here—child_of_limbo.
    When I played Mac (from Veronica Mars) at theatrical_muse—Neptune_hacker.
    Samples from when I played Willow Rosenberg can be found at strega_willow.
    For a brief time, I played Illyria (from Angel), and samples can be found here.
    A log where I played Rahne Sinclair.
    A thread where I played Rahne.

    If any other samples are required by anyone, I would be happy to help with that, as I have a few more Illyana and Rahne related things.

    Preferred method of contact: If anyone is wondering about how to get in touch with me, if you have a game? Please either just leave a comment to this post or send me a private message. I’m really not comfortable posting my AIM screen name for all to see.

    Other items of interest: I have been rping off and on for 5 years now. If there is an age restriction/limit, I’m 27 years old, (and a college graduate, so I don’t have school to slow me down) so it really doesn’t matter. Hmm...what else? I’m not high maintenance, have a good sense of humor, and if accepted I will be dedicated to the roleplay.

    My preference is for the game to be located either on Insanejournal or on Livejournal. I would rather not do any one-on-one games, or games located anywhere else. Multi-fandom games aren’t really my cup of tea. Also, I’m not interested in games that are only smut-based.

    If anyone happens to know of any games with an opening for an Illyana or Rahne, please let me know. Thank you.

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