July 20th, 2015



Pre-Launch Checklist

Hi everyone! The game is kicking off this weekend and we are thrilled to get underway! We will be posting an OPEN thread for all characters to tag into on July 25th. Feel free to have your character's pod arrive at any point during the day and at any location of your choice. Before the game launch, there are a few things we'd like all players to take note of.

  • Read the RULES and the FAQs again just to re-familiarize yourself. Especially the FAQs! They contain important world information you'll need to know before tagging (i.e. the ONLY items your character will be arriving with in their pod).
  • And while we're on the subject of world, if you have any cool ideas to add to world building Dystopia, PLEASE by all means hit up the DROPBOX and tell us about them!
  • Every character journal will be required to have your Marvel Dystopia application posted where prospective players can see and get a feel for the game. Remember, we're building our characters's histories from Day 1 this Saturday, and your applications will need to be continuously updated with in-game events. (Having your personal contact information on your public application is not required, but a contact post is very helpful for prospective players who have questions.)
  • In addition to having your application up, each character journal is required to have icons uploaded and ready to use. We're not going to force you to have 100 icons of your character PB, but a variety of expressions is the spice of life here on IJ, and we want to see your PB play the character you've written for them!
  • Run the FRIEND ADD on your character journals! Communication-type messages will be utilizing these journals, not the IC game community. If you're not friended, you'll miss important things!
  • Activity requirements will kick in starting in August and will include the thread that is going up on July 25th.
  • Any players who have been accepted into the game but have not yet accepted community invitations will be removed on Launch Day and will need to re-apply.
  • We now have a WANTED PAGE! (Banner coming soon!) Post your wanted ads ASAP. We'll be doing more game advertising all this week and that's one of the places prospective players will be looking for character ideas.

  • So until Saturday, buckle in and get ready for the swarm!