Marvel: Year One

June 12th, 2014

(no subject) @ 10:51 am


Wanda had been staying with Jan for about six months now. And while Hank knew about her, he'd never met her. Janet wasn't rushing for Wanda to get out and meet everyone she knew just yet, and just was letting the girl get accustomed to life in the states. She knew that Wanda had been through quite the ordeal before running away to New York, though she didn't pry into what it was. Her and Wanda were getting close, but she didn't want to pressure her into anything. Wanda was very shy, and getting her to come with her to meet Hank today at his lab for lunch was in Jan's mind, a huge accomplishment.

"I think you and Hank will get along very well," she said to Wanda as they made their way to the elevator that led to Hank's lab. "He's a really sweetie-pie. Nothing to worry about. If anything, he's more afraid of me than he will be of you." She laughed. "He's harmless, really. Nicest guy I know, really smart. I think you two will get along really well."

The elevator dinged and the door opened to Hank's lab, and the two women stepped out.

"Hank!" Jan called out. "We're here!"