Tuesday, January 10th, 2012

Who: Nightcrawler and OPEN (to Misty Knight, mayhaps?)
NPCs: Drug dealer, drug buyer
When: Tuesday, January 10 (early evening)
Where: An Alley, Brooklyn, NYC
What: Kurt getting his hero thing on
Rating: PG-13

A voice from above startled them... )
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Saturday, December 24th, 2011

To: "Kurt Wagner"
From: "Molly Hayes"
Subject: Christmas
Date: December 17, 2011 (OOC: backdated to give an appropriate response/putting into action time)

you have [1] unread message )
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Wednesday, October 26th, 2011

Let's Party!

Who: OTA
NPCs: Sponsors, Paparazzi, Servers, etc.
When: October 31, 2011
Where: WCA Headquarters - Stark Malibu Mansion, "Retreat"
What: Halloween Party/Charity for The Elizabeth Taylor AIDS Foundation
Rating: TBD

Guests enter here )
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Who: The X-Men
NPCs: secret!
When: 10/28
Where: Mansion in Dartmouth, Massachusetts
What: The X-Men investigate the scene of a grizzly murder
Rating: R

The authorities had been keeping such a tight lid on the gruesome details that it was anyone's guess as to what they would find inside... )
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Sunday, October 16th, 2011

Who: Hannibal King + Open
NPCs: A Demon (possibly)
When: October 16th, 2011
Where: New York City: Random Street
What: Hannibal is on the hunt
Rating: TBA - but probably high.

Vampires Hannibal understood.... )
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Friday, September 16th, 2011

Who: Jean and Scott (OT to All Guests)
NPCs: ---
When: Sept 17th
Where: Xavier's School
What: Jean and Scott get married.
Rating: PG

The day many had been expecting for a long time was finally here. )
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Sunday, September 11th, 2011

Farewell Emails!

To: "Faffer" <a.stuart@mi-13.gov.uk>; "Spook" <e.braddock@mi-13.gov.uk>
CC: "Knight" <d.whitman@mi-13.gov.uk>; "Witch" <ananym@mi-13.gov.uk>
From: "Faerie" <t.hardleg@mi-13.gov.uk>
Subject: Official Notice
Date: 11/09/10

you have [1] unread message )

To: "TailsexFuzzy" <k.wagner@xaviers.edu>
From: "Faerie" <t.hardleg@mi-13.gov.uk>
Subject: Official Notice
Date: 11/09/10

you have [1] unread message )
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Monday, August 8th, 2011

Who: Kurt Wagner (OPEN to Pirate folk!)
NPCs: Pirates
When: Aug 1 (backdated)
Where: Xavier's school
What: Kurt's turn to go back in time
Rating: G

Ha! You call this a challenge? )
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Tuesday, July 26th, 2011

Text: Betsy and Kurt

To: Kurt Wagner
FROM: Betsy Braddock
DATE: July 26

You have an unread message )
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Thursday, July 21st, 2011

Who: Kurt Wagner, Hisako Ichiki
NPCs: Bad guys, innocent bystanders
When: Wednesday, July 21
Where: New York City
What: Kurt takes Hisako out for a night of crime fighting
Rating: PG-13

I won't be condescending and say I'm going to teach you what you already may know... )
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Sunday, June 26th, 2011

Who: Tinkabelinos Hardleg + Open to MI:13/Nightcrawler
NPCs: Oberon
When: 26/06/11
Where: Otherworld → Avalon
What: MI:13 and Kurt follow the trail of missing children (the latest being the son of the current Prime Minister) to Avalon and attempt to rescue them from the faerie king, Oberon.
Rating: PG-13
Notes: Check this ooc post for details and don't forget to tag your character's codename when you join in!

Who says you can't go home... and blow away a few of your faerie brethren? )
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Friday, June 24th, 2011

Who: Megan Gwynn and Kurt Wagner
When: May 28, 2011 (Backdated)
Where: Megan's room, aboard the Queen Mary
What: As Megan prepares herself for another night of awe-inspiring celebrity watching, she takes a moment to talk to the person who invited her.
Rating: PG

ZOMG she had never seen so many celebrities in her life )
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Tuesday, June 21st, 2011

Who: Kurt Wagner and Tink
NPCs: Various Wiccans
When: Tuesday, June 21
Where: Tink's apartment then a field somewhere in England
What: Celebrating the Summer Solstice the Pagan way, Kurt doesn't think he's as ready as he thought.
Rating: R (possibly higher?)

You're lucky I'm open minded about these sorts of things... )
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Friday, June 10th, 2011

Who: Kurt Wagner
NPCs: Lady Gaga
When: May 28, after Kurt’s aerial performance (Backdated!)
Where: The Exhibit Hall, next to the Queen Mary
What: A celebrity comes forward to complement Kurt on his act
Rating: PG-13 ?
Notes: Not the real Lady Gaga, just a person who really likes to dress up and pretend to be her. Completed in Gdocs

I just wanted to say Bravo! I thought you were just amazing... )
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Wednesday, June 1st, 2011

Email to Kurt Wagner

TO: Kurt Wagner
FROM: Hisako Ichiki
CC'd: Scott Summers
DATE: June 1
SUBJECT: Sponsoring

You have an unread email. )
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To: "Kurt 'TailsexFuzzy' Wagner"
From: "Tink 'Faerie' Hardleg" +44-20-####-####
Date: 01/06/11

you have [4] unread texts )
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Monday, May 30th, 2011

text to Kurt Wagner

TO: Kurt Wagner
FROM: Betsy Braddock
DATE: May 30th

You have unread texts. )
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Friday, May 27th, 2011

Who: Illyana Rasputin, Kurt Wagner
NPCs: n/a
When: 05/17/11 (backdated)
Where: Illyana's room
What: Kurt visits Yana who has been sulky and distant since the Mikhail thing.
Rating: G

emo music and vampire books )
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Thursday, May 26th, 2011

Who: Kurt Wagner and OPEN to anybody's reactions
NPCs: Various guests at the Charity Gala
When: May 28 (pre-play!)
Where: Exhibit Hall (the dome beside the ship)
What: Kurt puts on a show!
Rating: PG

He was nervous... )
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Tuesday, May 24th, 2011

To: "Pepper Potts" [v.potts@StarkIndustries.net]
From: "Kurt Wagner" [k.wagner@xaviers.org]
Subject: Room arrangements
Date: May 24

[you have an unread message] )
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