Friday, September 16th, 2011

Who: Loki and Amora
NPCs: --
When: Friday, September 16
Where: Loki's not so secret anymore thanks Deadpool cabin in Canada
What: Loki's first phone conversation
Rating: PG, possibly higher depending on content?

The small devise fitted neatly in the palm of Loki's hand, and the god of Mischief regarded it with some interest. It was procured the last time he was in the city, without knowledge of phone plans or even how it worked. Those details meant little to Loki, especially when you were a Sorcerer Supreme.

Holding his other hand above the smart phone, Loki cast the spell and tiny sparks of blue light shot from his curled fingertips. He then put the phone to his ear to hear it ring. As he waited for the other line to pick up, he casually inspected his finger nails.
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Sunday, September 11th, 2011

Who: The Merc With The Mouth and The Enchantress
When: September the 12th
Where: Daddy Loki's Cabin in the deep north. Canada, yo!
What: Wade decides to pay his pop a visit and runs into an unexpected visitor.
Rating: H for Humminah Humminah Humminah!

Yoooohooo! Anyone home?! )

[The Enchantress!]
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Monday, August 29th, 2011

Who: Steve Rogers, Amora (The Enchantress)
NPCs: Various Greek soldiers
When: Ancient Grecian Times - Time Travel Backdated
Where: Southern Italy
What: After joining a traveling group of Greek soldiers, he is met by a Norse goddess
Rating: PG-13

Here, he felt lost and alone, but not without hope. Never without hope.... )
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Saturday, August 13th, 2011

Who: Carol Danvers and open to Medieval Time Travelers [Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Thor, Tink and/or Loki/Amora]
NPCs: Disgruntled Londoners (are there any other kind?)
When: 15th Century
Where: London, England (pip pip, cheerio)
What: Carol doing what Carol does best - pissing people off and getting herself accused of witchcraft.
Rating: PG-13?

I ain't gonna let you take her, I ain't. Not like the last one, this ones got all of her teeth. )

[Medieval Time Travelers!]
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Friday, July 29th, 2011

Who: Amora the Enchantress
NPCs: Avenger fanboys
When: July 22, 2011 (backdated)
Where: Comic book shop in NYC (HQ for the Official Avengers Fan Club)
What: To learn more about her enemies, the Enchantress goes straight to the best source... fanboys! (Narrative in progress)

She did not want her sojourn on Midgard to be interrupted by Frost Giants, trolls, dwarves and their ilk... unless she invited their company, of course. She wanted to be completely devoted to Thor. )
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Tuesday, April 5th, 2011

TAGS post

So I have to use a tag before you can use it even if I created it. boo.
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