Saturday, April 14th, 2012

To: Dr. McCoy, Doug Ramsey, Madison Jeffries, Dr. Blake
From: Dr. Nemesis
Subject: X-Club Newsletter
Date: 4/14/12

you have [1] unread message )
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Wednesday, March 14th, 2012

Emails to Hank, Cessily, and Pepper

To: "Hank McCoy" [], "Cessily Kincaid" []
From: "Tony Stark" []
Subject: WCA Invitation
Date: March 14th, 2012

you have [1] unread message )

To: "Pepper Potts" []
From: "Tony Stark" []
Subject: Return
Date: March 14th, 2012

you have [1] unread message )
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Sunday, March 11th, 2012

Who: Hank McCoy and OT Xavier's School
NPCs: Maddy Pryor
When: 3/11/12
Where: Xavier's School - Medical Lab
What: Maddy comes in for some medical tests.
Rating: PG

It was such a strange feeling, walking into someone else's life. )
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Monday, February 13th, 2012

Who: Steve Rogers, Hank McCoy, Jen Walters, Spider-Man, Clint Barton, Bruce Banner, Cessily Kincaid, Clay Quartermain, Sharon Carter, Jean Grey, Rahne Sinclair, Molly Hayes, Bobby Drake, Scott Summers, Petra Kristensen, Ororo Munroe, Megan Gwynn, Vance Astrovik, Erik Blake, and SPECTATORS!!
When: 2/12 backdated
Where: Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters - baseball diamond
What: Avengers vs. X-Men Baseball Game!
Rating: PG-13 - for baseball themed swearing

Put me in, coach! I'm ready to play! )
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Friday, January 27th, 2012

To: I Can Haz Twinkie?
From: Bobster
Date: 27th January 2012

you have 3 unread texts )

Five minutes later

you have 2 unread texts )
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Wednesday, January 25th, 2012

Who: Tony Stark, Hank McCoy. Possibly open to other X-peeps.
NPCs: n/a
When: January 24, 2012
Where: Xavier's School
What: Tony drives out to the school for a talk with McCoy.
Rating: PG

Unexpected Meeting )
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Tuesday, January 10th, 2012

Who: Vanessa Carlysle and Hank McCoy
When: 01/10/12
Where: Xavier's School
What: A distraught Vanessa finally returns to talk to Hank.
Rating: PG-13

the shock was finally beginning to wear off )
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Thursday, January 5th, 2012

Who: Madison and Hank (And everyone else at the school)
NPCs: --
When: Wednesday, January 4th, 2012 - backdated a day. To the time the Winnipeg Jets were playing the Montreal Canadians
Where: Xavier's School: The TV Room
What: It's Hockey Night In Canada The US.
Rating: TBA - Madison will probably curse at some point.

'Hello Canada, and hockey fans in the United States and Newfoundland' )
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Thursday, December 15th, 2011

Who: Logan, Laura Kinney, and open to anyone at Xavier's.
NPCs: n/a
When: December 15th, 2011
Where: Xavier's school
What: Logan returns in the middle of the night with the girl who has been attempting to kill him.
Rating: PG-13

There had been a lot of blood along the road here. Even for him. )
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Monday, November 14th, 2011

To: Hank McCoy <>
From: Vanessa <>
Subject: Gone for a few
Date: 11/14/11

you have [1] unread message )
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Wednesday, October 26th, 2011

Who: The X-Men
NPCs: secret!
When: 10/28
Where: Mansion in Dartmouth, Massachusetts
What: The X-Men investigate the scene of a grizzly murder
Rating: R

The authorities had been keeping such a tight lid on the gruesome details that it was anyone's guess as to what they would find inside... )
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Friday, September 30th, 2011

Who: Vanessa Carlysle and Dr. Hank McCoy
NPCs: Students
When: 09/29/11 (Backdated)
Where: Xavier's School for the Gifted
What: Vanessa adjusts to her new environment
Rating: PG-13

the whole concept was pretty new to her )
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Friday, September 16th, 2011

Who: Jean and Scott (OT to All Guests)
NPCs: ---
When: Sept 17th
Where: Xavier's School
What: Jean and Scott get married.
Rating: PG

The day many had been expecting for a long time was finally here. )
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Monday, August 29th, 2011

To: "Daredevil" [M.Murdock@nelson&]; "Iron Fist" []; "Thor" []; "Johnny Storm" []; "Ororo Munroe" []; "Jean-Paul Beaubier" []; "Jessica Drew" []; "Shulkie" []; "Jean Grey" []; "Mercury" []; "Carol Danvers" []; "Alison Blaire" []; "Spider-Man" []; "Dr. Strange" [Eye of Agamotto]; "Tony Stark" []; "Happy Hogan" []; "Luke Cage" []; "Scott Summers" []; "Hank McCoy" [];
From: "Benjamin Grimm" []
Date: August 29, 2011
Subject: Poker Party

Yer invited... )
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Sunday, August 28th, 2011

Who: Vanessa Carlysle and Hank McCoy
NPCs: Xavier's School students
When: 08/28/11
Where: Outside of Xavier's School
What: Vanessa finally works up the courage to take Hank up on his offer.
Rating: PG

she felt ancient walking up to the school )
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Tuesday, August 23rd, 2011

Who: Hank McCoy and Jean Grey
When: 8/21/11 (slightly backdated)
Where: Probably her work area in the lab
What: It's Jean's birthday, and her lab partner forever has a gift for her that few will appreciate as much.

Happy birthday, Jeannie! )
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Monday, August 1st, 2011

Who: Vanessa Carlysle + OPEN
NPCs: Dinosaurs!
When: Late Cretaceous Period (aka, a very very long time ago)
Where: What is modern day Argentina
What: The last thing Vanessa expected was to run into a dinosaur on her way to the dairy section.
Rating: PG-13 (For Language)

sauntering down the aisle, she turned the corner towards the dairy section... )
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Wednesday, July 27th, 2011

Who: Tony Stark and Hank McCoy
NPCs: Maya Hansen
When: July 15, 2011 (backdated like whoa)
Where: Outside one of Tony's secret labs (SoCal)
What: Beast confronts Tony.
Rating: PG-13

In Hank's experience, it was never a good thing when a dying man became a ghost. It never boded well. But he also knew that Tony Stark was an entirely different breed of man: he was too arrogant die like this. )
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Tuesday, July 19th, 2011

Who: Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, and Hank McCoy
NPCs: Maya Hansen
When: July 16-19th
Where: Secret subbasement of West Coast Avengers Headquarters. Malibu, California.
What: Tony fixes Pepper up as only he can.
Rating: PG

Though his intentions were noble, Tony could not help but feel that he was turning Pepper into his personal 'Bride of Frankenstein.' )
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Sunday, July 10th, 2011

Who: Pepper, Happy, Carol, Steve, Hank (McCoy)
When: July 6th, 2011 (backdated)
Where: Avengers Mansion, New York; JFK Private Airstrip
What: Team Stark beats a hasty retreat

The last thing they needed was for someone to find out the truth... )

[Happy! Carol! Cap! Hank!]
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