Tuesday, April 5th, 2011

TAGS post

So I have to use a tag before you can use it even if I created it. boo.
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Friday, March 18th, 2011

Who: Emma Frost, Scott Summers, and Tony Stark
NPCs: Stark Industries employees - receptionist, security staff, etc.
When: March 7, 2011 - evening [backdated]
Where: Stark Towers home of Stark Industries, NYC, NY
What: Emma wakes up Tony Stark, wackiness ensues.
Rating: PG-13? Could be cussin’.

Don’t look at me like that. )
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Who: Tony and Ginny Stark
NPCs: n/a
When: March 14th, 2011. The middle of the night.
Where: 890 Fifth Avenue, Manhattan, New York City, New York. Howard Stark's mansion.
What: After his 'awakening', Tony goes to say goodbye to his wife.
Rating: PG

He'd never seen himself as another other than a bachelor. Until now. And letting it go would not be easy. )
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Tuesday, March 15th, 2011

Who: Mark & Yana
NPCs: ----
When: March 14, 2011 [Backdated]
Where: Xavier's Common Room
What: Mark and Illyana cuddle to a movie
Rating: G for Gooey

He had commandeered the common room )
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Who: Reed Richards ; Johnny Storm
NPCs: -
When: Tuesday, March 15
Where: Johnny's penthouse apartment
What: Reed is desperate for a pilot to man his new spacecraft that he's come to personally ask the one with the most reckless record, Johnny Storm
Rating: PG-13

It was an act of desperation... )
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Who: Lila Cheney, Jessica Drew
NPCs: Lila's entourage
When: 15/03/11 -- noonish
Where: 5th Avenue, NYC
What: Lila's grabbing some lunch while in town when a fan (JDrew) asks for a picture with her.
Rating: PG

'Oh, uhhh, I was wondering-- I mean, if it's okay, could I get a picture with you, Ms. Cheney?' )
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To: "Clint"
From: "Bobbi"
Date: March 14, 2011

you have (3) unread texts )

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To: Little Billy
From: Hercules
Subject: Not at home, son.
Date: March 15th, 2011

you have [1] unread message )
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Monday, March 14th, 2011

To: Mark
From: Vic
Date: 3/14/11

you have [2] unread texts )
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Sunday, March 13th, 2011

WHO: Petra
NPCS: ---
WHERE: Campus
WHEN: March 13th
WHAT: After a bad day, Petra calls her mom.

Worst weekend ever. )
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To: Scott
From: Jean
Date: 3/13

A letter left on Scott's Desk )
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To: Ali
From: Lois
Date: 3/13/11

you have [1] unread texts! )

To: Arthur
From: Lois
Date: 3/13/11

you have [1] unread texts! )
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Saturday, March 12th, 2011

To: Piotr
From: Kitty
Date: 3/12

you have [5] unread texts! )
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Texts: Cain to Wanda

To: Wanda Marko
From: Cain Marko
Date: 3/12/11

You have 4 unread texts )
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Friday, March 11th, 2011

To: Erik
From: Jean
Subject: (no subject)
Date: 3/11/11

you have [1] unread message )
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Thursday, March 10th, 2011

Who: Manuel de la Rocha & Jennifer Stavros
NPCs: ----
When: March 10, 2011
Where: Hotel in Los Angeles, CA
What: Manuel comes to celebrate Jennifer's work
Rating: PG-13

It's not nice to keep your manager waiting )
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WHO: EVERYONE, Anyone woken up who will be fighting! Super force
NPCs: Jim Jaspers
WHAT: Final battle
WHEN: March 15
WHERE: Jasper's manor in England!
NOTES: Everyone can start as many subthreads for fighting that they want. When the good guys start overpowering the superforce Jaspers will show up. I'll put up a subthread for that in a couple days. Have fun guys!

As the the heroes got close, however, Jaspers called the force together. So they could go out and meet them. )
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Wednesday, March 9th, 2011

To: Steve
From: Jen
Date: 3/6 (backdated)

you have [2] unread texts! )
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Who: Steve Rogers
NPCs: -
When: Sunday, March 6th, 2011 - BACKDATED
Where: New York City, Steve's home
What: Steve is awakened and remembers his true identity.
Rating: PG

He was Captain America... )
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Narrative: Gambit

Who: Remy LeBeau
NPCs: Random New Yorker
When: March 6th, 2011 (backdated - after Remy gets clued in that the world is not right)
Where: New York City
What: Remy deals with things in a Remy way - he picks some one's pocket.
Rating: PG-13 for language

When the going got tough, Remy stole other peoples belongings )
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