Wednesday, July 11th, 2012

Characters: Rogue and Laura X
NPCs: --
When: July 11, 2012
Where: The garage
What: Rogue is still under house arrest and is very frustrated. Laura lurks.
Rating: Medium

This sucked. )

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Sunday, July 1st, 2012

Who: Scott, Ororo, and OTA
When: June 30, 2012
Where: Westchester, NY - Xaviers
What: Petra's wake

*Note: A word of explanation - a wake is a funeral custom (synonymous with a viewing) whose roots hearken back to an old Irish tradition where women would sit in their living room around the body of the recently deceased, keeping watch while drinking and eating to excess, just in case the deceased "woke up". This evolved into a party, in which the friends and family sent off their recently passed loved one by holding a memorial, then celebrating their life with drinking, dancing, and food, instead of mourning their death.

We'll do the memorial portion first (as described below) and then a party where people can mingle (eat, drink, etc.) after.

No one should have to die for someone elses' sins. )
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Thursday, June 21st, 2012

Sentinel attack!

Who: OTA
When: June 23
Where: Sacramento, New York, Chicago, other locations.
What: Sentinels go crazy; who would have thunk?
Notes: This can be a free for all. Basically in this narrative a group of mutants attacks a sentinel. The sentinels fight back. There's subthreads for different cities. Fight have fun. :) The MRD will send reinforcements.

The Texas heat bore down on the population of Houston as the people scurried around trying to stay out of the sun and get back into their air conditioned buildings. )
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Sunday, June 17th, 2012

Who: Laura (Open to reactions from Scott, Jean, and Logan)
NPCs: None
When: June 17th, throughout the day
Where: Jean & Scott's Room & Logan's room.
What: Laura leaves some appropriate and inappropriate presents.
Rating: tbd

This was difficult. )
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Friday, June 15th, 2012

Who: Laura & Logan
NPCs: None
When: June 15th, 9PM
Where: Logan's room.
What: Laura has some things she feels she needs to clear out.
Rating: tbd

laura wasn't known for speaking )
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Wednesday, May 30th, 2012

Who: Laura, Jean & Scott
NPCs: None
When: May 30th, 7PM
Where: Summers' bedroom.
What: Laura is summoned so she is there.
Rating: PG

she'd been trying to force other things in the time away )
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Sunday, May 13th, 2012

Who: Laura & Open to reactions by Jean & Scott
NPCs: None
When: Sunday Morning around 1AM
Where: Outside Jean's room.
What: Laura delivers a gift.
Rating: PG

Mother's Day is a very special day. )
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Monday, April 30th, 2012

Who: Logan, and OPEN to Rogue, Laura, and Ororo
NPCs: n/a
When: April 30th, 2012
Where: Xaviers School. The Danger Room
What: Logan puts a call out for a sparring partner and gets a few bites he did not expect.
Rating: PG-13

Probably not the best times to show a couple ladies. )
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Tuesday, April 17th, 2012

Who: Jean and Laura
NPCs: ---
When: 4/17/12
Where: Jean and Scott's Room
What: Laura stays with Jean while she rests up.
Rating: PG

As much as she needed to recover, she also missed being in the thick of things and teaching. )
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Sunday, April 8th, 2012

Who: Scott Summers, Logan, Alex Summers, Lorna Dane, Remy LeBeau, Laura Kinney, Emma Frost and Jean Grey (!!!) - OT X-People*
NPCs: Madelyne Pryor
When: 4/11/12 (forward-dated)
Where: Independence Mine, Alaska
What: The team goes to rescue Jean Grey.
Rating: PG-13 for violence

There had been a rush of activity in the days following Maddy's tip while Scott assembled a team together. )

(OOC: If you want in on this, you're welcome to join us!)
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Saturday, March 31st, 2012

Who: Megan Gwynn and Laura Kinney
NPCs: Other students
When: 03/31/12
Where: Xavier's School
What: Laura gets a chance to experience the Pixie cheer.
Rating: PG

totally had the awesomest of mutations )
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Wednesday, March 14th, 2012

Who: Logan and Laura
NPCs: n/a
When: March 14th, 2012
Where: Xavier's
What: Logan goes to finally talk to Laura face to face. Blood may or may not ensue.
Rating: TBD

Like it or not it was about time he got around to this. )
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Sunday, March 11th, 2012

Who: Hank McCoy and OT Xavier's School
NPCs: Maddy Pryor
When: 3/11/12
Where: Xavier's School - Medical Lab
What: Maddy comes in for some medical tests.
Rating: PG

It was such a strange feeling, walking into someone else's life. )
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Friday, March 2nd, 2012

Who: Scott + OTA
NPCs: ---
When: 3/2/12
Where: Westchester, NY
What: Jean is gone. Scott is worried.
Rating: PG?

Scott got the call... )
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Friday, February 24th, 2012

Who: Weasel and OPEN TO EVERYONE! And I do mean EVERYONE!
NPCs: As many as needed
When: Thursday, February 23, night
Where: SHIELD prison
What: Weasel has a very strange dream
Rating: PG-13 for salty language (will change if it becomes higher)
NOTE: This scene happens entirely inside Weasel's subconscious mind, in the world of dreams where no rules apply. If you've ever wanted to do a scene with Weeze, here's your chance for the most random of random encounters. Even if your character has never met Weasel officially in the game, it doesn't matter! Even if you want to ride purple ponies that breathe fire across the ocean floor to the City of Dreams where you'll meet meet Margaret Thatcher, that's just fine, coz anything goes. It doesn't need to make sense! The mind is a strange thing, and especially when it's a mind like Weasel's.

They told him he was going to be freed on probation... )
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Saturday, February 18th, 2012

Thread: Jen, Victor, and Victor's party guests.

WHO: Jen, Victor, ect ect ect (basically anyone who knows Vance or Jen was invited)
WHAT: Victor's bday party!
WHEN: February 18 - 19th
WHERE: Astor Place Tower is the venue Jen "lucked" into for this party.
NOTES: Just make subthreads and have FUN AND MINGLE! This party is going to be crazy. It's theme song is totally "Last Friday Night."

Party! )
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Friday, February 3rd, 2012

I call this first meeting of food club to order!

Who: Rogue, Laura X and Bobby Drake
NPCs: All that Mexican food they're going to eat.
When: Thursday, February 2, 2012 - dinner time [backdated]
Where: The kitchen! The house that Xavier built, etc.
What: Food club meets. And eats!
Rating: Low?

Best way to a woman's heart is through her stomach, Bob. Careful there, or else Ah'd think you were tryin' to pick me up. )

[Bobby! Laura!]
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Saturday, January 28th, 2012

Who: Scott, Victor, and Laura
NPCs: n/a
When: 1/27/12
Where: Scott's Office, Xavier's
What: Scott introduces Victor and Laura
Rating: G

Mutant children were far more willing to embrace the unusual in someone new... )
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Who: Jean and Laura
NPCs: ---
When: 1/27 (backdated)
Where: Med Labs
What: Jean tries to entertain Laura while conducting some tests.
Rating: PG

It just made Jean felt pangs of sympathy for the girl who had been deprived of so much and didn't seem to even know it. )
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Thursday, December 15th, 2011

Who: Logan, Laura Kinney, and open to anyone at Xavier's.
NPCs: n/a
When: December 15th, 2011
Where: Xavier's school
What: Logan returns in the middle of the night with the girl who has been attempting to kill him.
Rating: PG-13

There had been a lot of blood along the road here. Even for him. )
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