Friday, March 16th, 2012

Who: Domino (Open to Reaction from Deadpool)
NPCs: --
When: Friday, March 16th, 2012
Where: Deadpool, Inc.
What: A package arrives labeled for Wade Wilson from someone named Petey.
Rating: PG

A somewhat large UPS box arrives at Deadpool Inc. )
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Sunday, March 11th, 2012

To: Deadpool
From: Domino
Date: March 11th

Inbox [3] )
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Monday, February 20th, 2012

To: Domino
From: Deadpool
Date: February 18th, 2012

you have [6] unread messages )

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Saturday, January 21st, 2012

Who: Neena Thurman & Open
NPCs: --
When: January 21st, 2012
Where: Xavier's School, New York
What: Neena goes to Xavier's Mansion to...join the good guys?!
Rating: PG-13

Granted she wasn't completely unarmed, but a pair of pistols was nothing compare to the arsenal she usually had. )
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Friday, December 30th, 2011

To: Charles Xavier
From: Unknown Sender
Subject: Inquiry
Date: 12/30/2011

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Friday, December 9th, 2011

Who: Neena & Open
NPCs: n/a
When: Dec. 9th, Daytime
Where: New York City, Coffee Place
What: Neena considers her job and if she wants to keep doing what she's doing.
Rating: G

She didn't look back, in New York she learned that if you stayed, you were probably going to get into a fight. )
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Tuesday, November 15th, 2011

Who: Wade Wilson and Neena Thurman
NPCs: Patch, Other mercs
When: November 15th, 2011. Night
Where: Chicago, Hell House specifically
What: The duo bump into one another and share a few beers.
Rating: PG-13ish?

..a gopher through a garden hose.. )

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Friday, November 4th, 2011

Who: Yelena Belova and Neena Thurman
NPCs: Guards, thugs, the usual
When: October 31st, 2011 (backdated)
Where: A warehouse by the docks
What: Someone double-booked the job
Rating: PG-13?
Note: Tell me if anything needs to be changed

Who the hell are you? )
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Thursday, October 20th, 2011

Who: Neena & Jen
NPCs: Intended Target
When: October 20th, Night
Where: Los Angeles, California
What: Neena is working on a job when Jen notices her and tries to do her hero thing.
Rating: R, language & violence

So much for an easy job. )
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Tuesday, April 5th, 2011

TAGS post

So I have to use a tag before you can use it even if I created it. boo.
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Wednesday, December 9th, 2009

To: Inez Temple
From: Weasel
Subject: Nice dress
Date: 12-09-09

You have 1 unread message )

To: Neena Thurman
From: Weasel
Subject: Luck
Date: 12-09-09

You have 1 unread message )

To: Forge
From: Weasel
Subject: Work
Date: 12-09-09

You have 1 unread message )
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Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009

Who: Deadpool and Domino
NPCs: Victim
When: Late 2004
Where: Lisbon, Portugal.
What: Wade and Domino run into each other on the job. This time they're on opposing sides..
Rated: PG-13

What's the point of never making mistakes? Self-indulgence is such a hard habit to break. )

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Tuesday, December 1st, 2009

Text Message

To: Pete Wisdom
From: Neena Thurman
Date: 12/1/09

you have (1) unread text )
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Thursday, May 21st, 2009

To: Charles Xavier []
From: Neena Thurman []
Subject: Your Brother

you have 1 unread message )
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Wednesday, May 13th, 2009


Subject: Firearms Session

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Tuesday, May 5th, 2009

Who: Neal Shaara & Neena Thurman
NPCs: ---
When: 5th May, 2009
Where: Sydney, Australia: Excalibur HQ
What: Neal's definitely feeling the cold shoulder from Heather. He mopes in the kitchen.
Rating: PG

A much smaller part told him to go find the woman and find out exactly what was wrong. )
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Tuesday, April 28th, 2009

thread: davis, domino and tabby

Who: Recon Team!
When: April 28th, just past 8 PM Australia time
Where: Astana!
What: Recon for a second arena. Adventures ahoy! I totally made all this crap up. Let me know if you want anything changed, Mel or Emily!
Rating: PG-13

Davis wasn't sure how he felt about this mission. )
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To: "Pete Wisdom" []
From: "Domino" []
Subject: Yeah yeah, you can stop laughing any time now

you have 1 unread message )

(sent five minutes after the previous e-mail)
To: "Pete Wisdom" []
From: "Domino" []
Subject: Yeah yeah, you can stop laughing any time now (cont'd)

you have 1 unread message )
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Emails: Lifeguard to Domino, Meltdown and Slipstream

To: Davis Cameron ( ; Tabitha Smith ( ; Neena Thurman (
From: Heather Cameron (
Subject: Mission
Attachments: map.pdf

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To: Davis Cameron (
From: Heather Cameron (
Subject: Domino

you have 1 unread message )
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Monday, April 27th, 2009

Thread: Domino and Lifeguard

Who: Heather Cameron, Neena Thurman (and Davis Cameron if he wants to hop in at all! He's very welcome:D)
NPCs: None
When: April 24, 2009 after this
Where: Excalibur HQ
What: Heather meets and greets Excalibur's newest member.
Rating: PG?

Heather was never one to tell any new member to just run off and start working on missions without getting to know them. )

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