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Thread: Bobby and Kitty [20 Jan 2014|02:55pm]
Who: Bobby Drake and Kitty Pryde
NPCs: ---
When: 1/17/14 [backdated]
Where: X-Force HQ, Chicago, IL
What: Bobby is angry and sad about John ditching the team and goes to see Kitty.
Rating: PG-13

Not bothered by the frigid air on his skin. )
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[20 Jan 2014|08:38pm]
Who: Hank Pym and Darcy
When: [Backdated!] Jan 11th, 2014
Where: Hank's Lab - Avengers Mansion
What: SCIENCE. Hank is doing science and he needs a lab assistant. So he's borrowing Darcy.
Rating: G

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a scientist in possession of a lab, must be in want of a lab assistant. )
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[20 Jan 2014|10:49pm]
Who: She-Hulk and Agent Coulson
NPCs: ---
When: 1/17 (backdated)
Where: Malibu
What: Shulkie tries to impress Coulson during a beachside run.
Rating: PG-13 (depending on if she behaves)

She had made a point to arrive early since she doubted Phil Coulson was ever late to anything. )
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