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[06 Jan 2014|08:55am]
To: Maria Hill
From: IT'S A MYSTERY (but it's really Clint, holding up his end of a dare from Peter)
Date: [BACKDATED] December 25th, 2013
OOC: Yes I (and therefore Clint) used an online "love letter" generator. This was delivered anonymously like. Or as anonymously like you can be at SHIELD.

Maria you have one un-read letter )
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[06 Jan 2014|10:09pm]
Who: Alex and Lorna
NPCs: ---
When: January 6th, 2014
Where: Beach (San Diego, California)
What: Date Night
Rating: G

Something small and private. )
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[06 Jan 2014|11:49pm]
Who: Regan and John
NPCs: ---
When: 1/6
Where: Hammer Bay, Genosha
What: Regan checks in on the new recruit.
Rating: PG-13

Not a bad place to retire eh? )
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