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[01 Apr 2012|10:06am]
Who: Felicia Hardy, Harry Osborn and Colleen Wing
NPCs: ---
When: Sunday,
Where: Manhattan, Cafe Orlin
What: Felicia and Harry have a talk.
Rating: PG-13

Neither her mind nor her heart was settled on how to feel about Harry Osborn. )
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[01 Apr 2012|07:34pm]
Who: Megan Gwynn and Hannibal King
NPCs: Vampires, female victim
When: 04/01/2012
Where: Streets of NYC
What: While coming back from a day in the City, Megan stumbles upon a vampire attack.
Rating: PG-13

part of town was kind of shifty and gross )
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[01 Apr 2012|07:46pm]
To: Janet
From: Hank
Date: April 1st ( shortly after Hank gets these texts)

You have 3 un-read texts )
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Narrative [01 Apr 2012|08:50pm]
Who: Dane Whitman
NPCs: Would Be Paranormal Investigators
When: April 1st, 2012
Where: Dane’s Castle
What: Dane can not squash the rumors that his castle is haunted (probably because it is) and has to deal with yet more people who want to check the place out for ghosts.
Rating: G

Dane thought it was an April Fools joke at first. )
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