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[28 Feb 2012|06:27pm]
Who: Jessica Drew
NPCs: Jonathon Drew, Nick Fury, HYDRA peons
When: 28/02/12
Where: HYDRA Base #227 → location unknown
What: Jessica has more dreams (nightmares) about the past and present.
Rating: PG-13ish

'We're going to have to do something about her soon. Something permanent.' )

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[28 Feb 2012|10:39pm]
Who: Spider-Man, Felicia Hardy + Open to any Avengers
NPCs: Aunt May
When: 2/14 (backdated like woah due to massive other pre-threading)
Where: Avengers' Mansion
What: Spider-Man comes to the Avengers for sanctuary after the murder of his girlfriend and to ask for help with the Green Goblin.
Rating: PG-13 [Warning for subject of murder]

It was late when they arrived... )
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[28 Feb 2012|11:24pm]
Who: Bobby and Petra (Possibly Hank?)
NPCs: None
When: 28 February 2012
Where: The Good Doctor's Office
What: Everything that isn't covered in foil soon will be.
Rating: PG

The plan was simple; get in, foil everything, take photos, get out. )
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