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[30 Dec 2011|11:57am]
Who: Maria Hill (+open to SHIELD)
NPCs: n/a
When: 12/31, late night (forwarddated)
What: Maria rings in the New Year
Rating: PG-13
Nice symmetry, if she cared about symbolism )
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[30 Dec 2011|02:27pm]
To: Charles Xavier
From: Unknown Sender
Subject: Inquiry
Date: 12/30/2011

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[30 Dec 2011|10:08pm]
Who: Steve Rogers, Sharon Carter
NPCs: n/a
When: December 25, evening
Where: American Army base somewhere in Afghanistan
What: Captain America wants to do what he was made to do, but Agent 13 is there to stop him
Rating: PG-13

Silent night, holy night... )
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