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[28 Jul 2011|10:13am]
Who: Dane Whitman & Jessica Drew
When: July 28th - > in England and New York!
Where: In front of their respective computers
What: Dane and Jess talk over Skype!
Rating: G? I don't know.

Time for Skype )
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[28 Jul 2011|02:40pm]
Who: Spider-Man (+ Open to any street level NYC heroes who want to deal with the excess of guns in the city. Otherwise, Narrative.)
NCPs: Gang members, maybe random innocent bystanders
Where: All over NYC, so Hell's Kitchen, Harlem, etc. - you name it.
When: July 27, 2011
What: Gobby's little presents for Spidey start to get delivered

He needed a game plan )
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Text: Johnny and Cessily [28 Jul 2011|09:26pm]
To: Cessily Kincaid
FROM: Johnny Storm
DATE: July 28

You have unread texts. )
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[28 Jul 2011|10:59pm]
Who: Jen and Happy
NPCs: ---
When: 7/28
Where: Pacific Coast Highway
What: Happy takes Jen for a drive.
Rating: PG

Man, feel that breeze! )
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[28 Jul 2011|11:12pm]
To: Jen
From: Victor
Date: 7/28/11

you have [4] unread texts! )
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[28 Jul 2011|11:27pm]
Who: Jean Grey
NPCs: Charles Xavier
When: 7/28
Where: Headmaster's Office
What: Jean has a request for her mentor.
Rating: PG

I come bearing gifts. )
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