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[10 Mar 2011|01:54pm]
WHO: EVERYONE, Anyone woken up who will be fighting! Super force
NPCs: Jim Jaspers
WHAT: Final battle
WHEN: March 15
WHERE: Jasper's manor in England!
NOTES: Everyone can start as many subthreads for fighting that they want. When the good guys start overpowering the superforce Jaspers will show up. I'll put up a subthread for that in a couple days. Have fun guys!

As the the heroes got close, however, Jaspers called the force together. So they could go out and meet them. )
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[10 Mar 2011|11:14pm]
Who: Manuel de la Rocha & Jennifer Stavros
NPCs: ----
When: March 10, 2011
Where: Hotel in Los Angeles, CA
What: Manuel comes to celebrate Jennifer's work
Rating: PG-13

It's not nice to keep your manager waiting )
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