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[06 Feb 2011|10:45am]
Who: Roberto and Felicia
NPCs: ---
When: 1/23 (late evening, backdated)
Where: Felicia's Hotel Room
What: Felicia tries to cheer Roberto up after his ousting.
Rating: PG-13

She knew that there were things she needed to say. )
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Text Messages! [06 Feb 2011|03:49pm]
To: "Roulette"
From: "Kid Omega"
Date: Sunday, February 6, 2010

you have (2) unread texts )

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[06 Feb 2011|06:10pm]
Who: Emma Frost and Scott Summers
NPCs: Wait staff
When: Saturday, February 5, 2011 - afternoon [backdated]
Where: Some fancy restaurant in the city that Emma picked out
What: Emma and Scott meet to discuss the student squads.
Rating: PG?

Emma narrowly had asked Scott during that discussion whether or not he was high. )

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Thread: Alison and Jamie [06 Feb 2011|11:32pm]
Who: Alison Blaire and Jamie Madrox
NPCs: Students
When: Mondayday, February 7, 2011 - evening
Where: The Mansion; Ali's room.
What: Alison and Jamie have a "sleep over" night full of fun and excitement. Cutsy/Flirty/Smutty stuff to follow? Possibly.
Rating: PG-13 maybe

Jamie always liked sleep overs )

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E-mail: Madrox to X-factor [06 Feb 2011|11:53pm]
To: [X-factor Mailing list]
From: Jamie Madrox
Subject I Can Haz Sabbatical?

you have one unread message )

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