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[07 Aug 2009|02:15pm]
Who: Fabian Cortez
NPCs: n/a
When: 08/07/09 – evening
Where: Brotherhood Base
What: Cortez makes his triumphant return! And then sulks.
Rating: PG-13 (for references to sex)

don't call him Grumpy Pants... even if he is )

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[07 Aug 2009|07:12pm]
Who: Alex Summers
When: August 7th, 2009
Where: X-Factor HQ: The Kitchen
What: Alex attempts to clean out the fridge --- also known as Alex now has free time and is kind of like 'WTF do I do?'
Rating: It's cleaning out a fridge -- it's Alex -- it's very much G rated

But now the files in the  )

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[ viewing | August 7th, 2009 ]
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