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Marvel Progeny: A Next Generation RP

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Follow the Yellow Brick Road (open to encounters of the diverting kind) [16 Feb 2012|09:58am]
Dani was /sure/ she was on the right track on the bombings around the world. Few people if any were looking at the world picture, concentrating only on their small corners or special groups. She thought she was looking at a trail leading to the main objectives and needed to check it with a tactician. The problem was that most of the brilliant tactical people she knew of were either batshit crazy, related to her, or ready to take her idea and run with it leaving the 'kid' behind.

If she was going to take a chance that could give SHIELD heartburn from the UN, she needed to work on her own with only Software as back-up. It meant covertly checking the possible targets in New York first, then heading to check the major target. There was some confidence on her side that none of them would remember who she was, if they'd ever known. Her life was quite a bit different than the Avengers or Fantastic Four kids. Xavier would give her trouble. He'd been on the consult list her father had tapped after her accident. Dad's poker buddies might as well if she ran into them. They were all honorary uncles.

Sometimes it was good to have a mutant cover story. She asked Software for neutral mode with shield mode ready at her first stop.

[ viewing | February 16th, 2012 ]
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