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Marvel Progeny: A Next Generation RP

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Well, um... how about that [12 Feb 2012|07:02pm]
Okay, so time for another date. Joe and Lyta had been seeing each other for a little bit now, since the the gala and the... other stuff from before the gala. All together, he had to say, things were going pretty good.

After all, how many guys get to date the girl they'd been crushing on since they were, like, four?

Yeah, Joseph Marko considered himself one of the luckiest schmucks on the planet.

He pulled his car into the parking spot out front and dialed Lyta's penthouse number on his cell.

This won't hurt a bit... (meme prompt, mindreading) [12 Feb 2012|07:09pm]
Josephine carefully drew a sample of the medication from her vial. She had, as far as she was aware, and that awareness was quite significant, done everything exactly right. As always.

"Don't worry," she told Mason. "This is simply a very mild mental stimulant. It should improve the clarity of your thinking by 100% and enable you to better utilize your alchemical abilities. Don't worry. It worked perfectly well on the rats."

Scene 2 Prompt 20- Thomas & Lyta. (Backdated to just after Thomas got to the Mansion) [12 Feb 2012|07:53pm]
Thomas was still have trouble adjusting to all of this. He had lost his family, his home, his friends, his future, pretty much everything he had ever known. How does someone cope with all of that he didn't really know and he was still getting out of the shock of it all.

He was siting in the kitchen not really doing anything with a half empty glass of water infront of him trying to get his head around all that had happened.

Scene 3 Prompt 19 Aine & Luna- In the Closet [12 Feb 2012|08:13pm]
Aine had gotten started early on cleaning out her walk in closet for her new clothes and shoes for the spring season. She had somehow talked Luna into helping her out. When due to a freak accidental avalanche of clothes and shoes fell over locking them inside the closet without and gear or comms.

Yeah Aine was feeling pretty embarrassed about all of this.

[ viewing | February 12th, 2012 ]
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