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Marvel Progeny: A Next Generation RP

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Let's Try This (Josie) [16 Jan 2012|09:46pm]
Daniel Taylor has a million things to worry about right now, not the least of which being that some of his employees were attacked. He wanted to hit the streets and get to the bottom of it, but it was noon and Night Thrasher worked, well, at night. Daniel hates the idea of waiting when he could be doing some /real/ work, but Uncle Elvin reminded him that he needed to still be Daniel Taylor, especially since his mother and father weren't here to run media interference.

Daniel was sitting as his desk, trying not to mope, when his assistant, Cera,  entered and passed him his iPhone.

"So you have a date tonight. Please wear something nice, Daniel. I don't want your mother thinking I let you walk out of the house to meet a woman in a t-shirt and jeans." Cera says.

"Wait, what? A date? With who?" he asks, sitting up suddenly.

"The young woman you talked about most of last week. Josephine? You sent her a text her  minutes ago and asked her to call you back." Cera says.

"I did not. I've been sitting didn't."

"I did. Pick up when she calls, Daniel. Please."

"Well, I guess I don't have a choice now." he says.

[ viewing | January 16th, 2012 ]
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