Marvel: My Way's Journal
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Wednesday, April 16th, 2014

    Time Event
    The Confrontation
    The new scents and sounds struck the Canadian's nose and ears immediately; ozone and hair products with the slightest saltiness confirmed the presence of Thor, and the crackling whirr of energies hinted at the presence of either powers or sorcery.
    And that other scent... the scent of a woman with the evil Victor lingering all over her...

    He wasn't surprised when he turned the corner and saw Thor standing near a shimmering, luminescence-wreathed schism in the air, and the familiar pink face of Blink proceeding through the green opening.
    Not her portal then he quickly deduced. He saw a third man still on the other side of the tear and made the obvious inference.

    But he was surprised when he noticed their eyes all intently cast towards him. The presence of Mjolnir in Thor's tight grip was hardly reassurring, but he knew from Victor's altercation with the Asgardian upon the thunderer's arrival that Thor was a just man.
    Hope tha cooler part of his head is gonna prevail.

    He took a draw on his cigar and let the smoke unfurl out of his lips. He clenched his fists but kept his posture straight; he strode directly towards Thor and Blink and the new presence without striking a predatory stalk. He was still several long strides away from the others when he spoke.
    "Looks like ya wanna have a word with me," Logan stated in his gravelly rasp.

    He did not yet know that it was the object he was holding in his right fist - a tracking anklet - which the others were confronting him over.
    "I'm here. Go fer it."

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