Marvel: My Way's Journal
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Friday, March 28th, 2014

    Time Event
    Sometimes even tech support needs tech support
    It may have been the dead of night but Damon knew precisely where Stark was at that hour. Follow the smell of coffee, scotch, maybe martinis, and the sound of rock music. Bingo. Stark. Of course he didn't need to follow the smell since he and Tony shared the workshop. Damon had no complaints so far, which was the equivalent of a compliment.

    His feet fell heavily on the workshop's concrete floor; the soles of his boots made solid thuds that echoed off the walls. He moved towards Stark's part of the room.
    "Hey, Stark. Can I get some assist?" he asked.

    [[OOC: For heartofiron]]
    Waking Up On The Wrong Side Of The Bed
    The Thunderer's immensely-built body stirred beneath the sheets as he surfaced from a dreamless sleep with a small smile still on his face. His joints creaked and he rubbed his eyes; a long and sonorous yawn escaped from his cavernous mouth as he sat up and stretched.

    "Morning, brother" Thor announced warmly as his irises focused on the dark-haired mage watching him. Sunlight trickled in through the small gap between the heavy curtains and laid itself across Loki's face.

    How happy I am to see him still. And how overjoyed we shall both be to overthrow that tyrant.

    Almost immediately, his thick arms reached around his brother's body in a hug.
    "Did you sleep well?" he inquired.

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