Marvel: My Way's Journal
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Wednesday, September 15th, 2010

    Time Event
    Magic's a pain.

    The latest figure to land on the Xavier Institute's front lawn is young...almost too young for the world-weary "oh, what the hell's gone wrong now?!" expression with which he surveys his surroundings.

    "Figures. Teleport to Transia, Magneto tells me. That's where you'll find some clues. Now I've got no idea where I am, Tommy's probably already beaten me there, and that means he'll be smug for the rest of the day, which sucks because now I have to kill him before sundown or go as crazy as everyone thinks I already am..."

    He looks around, suddenly made aware of the polished marble "XAVIER INSTITUTE FOR HIGHER LEARNING" plaque decorating the front lawn.

    "Xavier Institute?...whoa. I've heard of missing the turn at Albequerque, but this is a little out of our way, right Ted...?"

    It then occurs to the young man that the person he thought he was talking to is conspicuously absent.

    "Ted? Teddy? What is this, a new camouflage trick? Very funny, now come on, get out here..."

    As he looks around, Billy Kaplan suddenly feels like the ground's dropped out from under him.

    "Teddy? Teddy?"

    Fantastic, Billy. Amazing work, truly spectacular. Not only did the spell decidedly not work the way it was supposed to, now you've gone and gotten yourself separated from your overprotective boyfriend. Get ready to be read the mother of all riot acts when you meet up with him again...

    Never one to be intimidated for long, Billy takes a deep breath.

    Well, you've been on your own before. You're a Young Avenger, can keep this together. Time to go seek out a little assistance getting home.

    He starts proceeding up the vast lawn to the Institute's front door.

    Current Mood: irritated

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