August 25th, 2008

[info]bunnywrites in [info]marvel_drabbles

Place A Claim


This is the place to make your claims for the Table Challenges!

You may claim as many things as you think you can handle. But remember you can't claim a specific character in more than one verse.

This is a Marvel Community only. Every claim has to be Marvel.

AU stuff is allowed.

Crossovers are allowed, but within reason. I don't want to see you shoving anyone from the Marvelverse getting dropped into the Winx Club verse or something. Don't know if I'll go for it? Just ask.

I will not be accepting claims for Original Characters, Reader Inserts, Author Inserts, or Real Persons.

The format for claiming is as follows. If you do not follow it, your post will be deleted.

Claim Formant:

[info]bunnywrites in [info]marvel_drabbles

Claim List

This is the place where all the claims that have already been made will go.

616 Universe )

Movie Universe )

Ultimate Universe )

Alternate Universe )

Crossover )

[info]bunnywrites in [info]marvel_drabbles

Completed Claims

If you've completed a Table Challenge:
2. Post your completed table here (with the code please).
3. I'll reply with your banner!
4. Go a head and try another one!

[info]bunnywrites in [info]marvel_drabbles

Dropped Claims

Post here if you wish to give up on a claim.

Please post with this format:

[info]bunnywrites in [info]marvel_drabbles

Suggestion Post

Have a suggestion for the community?
A new daily, weekly or monthly challenge?
Maybe a new Table Challenge?
Tell us about it here!

[info]bunnywrites in [info]marvel_drabbles


Have a question?

1. Is there a deadline?
Only for the Weekly and Monthly Challenges. The Table Challenges and the Daily Challenges you can do in your own time.

2. Are Fake Cuts aloud?
No. Please post all of your stories right to the community.

3. Is There A Rating Cap?
Nope. But please make sure that any rated over PG-13 is labeled as such. We don't want any little kids reading something they aren't suppose to.

4. Is there a word limit?
Not really no. If you want to write an epic story for each one of the prompts in one of the tables, who am I to stop you. But the minimum is 100 words.

5. Someone has already taken my Character(s) for one table, does that mean I can't take them?
Nope. 3 people can claim one specific character(s). But if more people wish to take that character(s), I'll make it so that more people can.


[info]bunnywrites in [info]marvel_drabbles

Complete List of Daily Challenge Prompts!

Daily Challenges

Prompts )

[info]bunnywrites in [info]marvel_drabbles

Complete List of Weekly Challenge Prompts!

Weekly Challenges
Week #01 )

Week #02 )

Week #03 )

Week #04 )

Week #05 )

Week #06 )

[info]bunnywrites in [info]marvel_drabbles

Complete List of Monthly Challenge Prompts!

Monthly Challenges List
Month #01 )

Month #02 )

Month #03 )

Month #04 )

[info]bunnywrites in [info]marvel_drabbles

Complete List of Table Challenge Prompts!

Table Challenges
Tables With 5 Prompts )

Tables With 10 Prompts )

[info]bunnywrites in [info]marvel_drabbles

Welcome / Weekly Challenge #01 / Daily Challenge #01


Welcome everyone to Marvel Drabbles, a community for Marvel's fanfictions and Drabbles. As you can see we've just started but I thought we'd get the first challenge out right away. Look at the Posting Format in the profile for posting rules. Also Invite your friends! We want LOTS of people to join so we can get lots of different characters and pairings written about. Now, on with the first Weekly Challenge!

Weekly Challenge #01
Starts: August 25th, 2008
Ends: August 31st, 2008
Character(s): Peter Parker
Universe: Ultimate
Prompt: Leash

Challenges are made so you can test your own writing skills, most of the time with a prompt and characters you might not be familiar with. At least that's how I take challenges. I'm sorry for those people who don't know anything about the Ultimate Universe, or who don't like Peter Parker. Maybe you can join in next week. This Challenge goes until midnight (eastern time) on August 31st. Make sure your post is in before that time. Also note that you may enter as many times as you want too. But only ONE will win the banner. Just after midnight on 31st (guess that would make it September 1st huh?) I'll be posting up the winner or winners with their Banner. Following the winner post will be next weeks challenge along with the first monthly challenge.

Don't forget that we have daily challenges as well. The daily challenges are all open ended, that means: YOU can pick your universe and your characters. Also there are no winners for the Daily Challenges. The first Daily Challenge is listed below. Feel free to post as many times as you want for it. Just make sure each are in their own post. Daily Challenges can be done at any times, so if you see Daily Challenge #02 go up tomorrow but want to do the first one, go ahead. I'll tag it and file it away. Daily Challenges are all about the fun. So enjoy them!

Daily Challenge #01
Prompt: Smile