April 4th, 2008

[info]ministerofmagic in [info]marriagelaw

Looking for Goldfish in Diagon Alley...

Who: The Minister, and maybe Pansy, Millicent and whomever might have an errand in Diagon Alley
Where: Well, Diagon Alley, of course.
When: 4th April 1999
Rating: Oh, that depends on how adventurous the Minister feels...

A Minister, a Goldfish, and, Hopefully, a Few Pureblood Girls )

[info]ministerofmagic in [info]marriagelaw

Note for Adrian Pucey

Mr Pucey,

Would you please check up on our latest member of the productive part of our society, Mr R. Lestrange?

He is currently living in Hogsmeade, on my orders. Find out what he's doing, take him out to dine if needed. Report to me, after. Please, treat the man with respect. He's on our side.
