February 22nd, 2008

[info]ex_marcus_fl884 in [info]marriagelaw

Dora goes round to see Charlie after an argument with her Mother. *complete*

Who: Nymphadora Tonks and Charlie Weasley.
Where: The Burrow.
When: Thursday evening, aprox. 9 o'clock.
Rating: NC17 (Though I don't really get the American ratings system so let me know if I get it wrong)

Dora was furious. )

[info]quidditchdavies in [info]marriagelaw

Another Friday at Quidditch Training Camp

Who: Roger Davies and open
When: Friday, Feb. 22, 8pm
Where: The Golden Broom, London
Rating: G

Training in Portree )

Drinking at the Golden Broom )