28 September 2009 at 01:08 pm
[She'd been staring for what seemed like an eternity as the message showed on the communicator, and... Oh god.]


I don't-

[Froooooown] ... I don't understand.

[There's a sigh, shaky and breathy that escapes her and the girl stops to compose herself for a moment as the surroundings and facts of the situation sink in. Is this real? She feels disoriented, it's always so hard to focus after just waking up. Her hands are balled up in fists, stuck to her sides as if to control the shaking]

To... stay here. [This is not a question. She realizes this, almost sounding afraid. There's silence for a moment after, then:]

That's impossible, isn't it?

I don't understand.
15 September 2009 at 10:11 pm
MY MEAT ANGEL! PRINCESS! I AM HERE TO SAVE YOU! Wherever you are, wherever you go, I am never too far behind!

[Thinks over what his welcome message said.]

OH CRAP! I'm in the wrong castle! This thingamajigger gave me some weird, subliminal message! I will find a way out to save you, my angel of delicious meats!

Okay, first, I have to figure out how to get out of here. I AM IN NEED SOME ASSISTANCE HERE! PLEASE COME FORTHWITH! We'll be the bestest friends forrrreveeeeer!