27 October 2009 at 08:12 pm
...This chain's starting to irk me...

Since I have nothing better to do, I guess a little chatting would be nice? Out of curiosity... what was your world like?

[ooc: i'm so sorry i haven't been active you guys. D: /repents]
13 October 2009 at 07:31 pm

Being an overall threat to humanity, huh? I can't deny the truth that that crime bears. You've made a wise choice in locking me up, but I'm sad to inform you that I'm as good as dead "from where I came from". You should have just allowed me to rot there with him. That was all I would've wanted...

I'm perfectly fine with being imprisoned, but please don't condemn those children. Don't ruin their bright futures. I brought them into that mess, and I'm willing to shoulder all of their faults.

The iron ball's rather flattering. I deserve something worse, but expecting something from artificial intelligence would be meaningless. Where did my powers go?

I have to hand it to you, though; this place sounds a little too good for an asylum...

[ooc: You saw no fail. 8| Here, repost. ffffffff 8'DDDD]