12 August 2009 at 09:06 pm
Hey, how come everyone lives in the central sector when there's so damn many houses out there?

I mean, yeah... some of 'em are pretty worn looking but if anyone asked I could fix 'em up.
[Action, so very open]
11 August 2009 at 06:32 pm
[about mid-morning in the main common room, Franky is sitting on the edge of the couch, leaning over and clicking though the channels with a fascinated and excited expression. He'll watch a show for a little while, then click over onto something else.]

[He's perfectly up for company, he's in a pretty good mood this morning compared to yesterday.]
[Twenty-third Day]
10 August 2009 at 07:59 pm
Good morning, criminals! I would like to remind you all that criminal Agatha is still at large, and thus any reward for capturing or enabling her capture is still available.

Have you all investigated the new additions to the dome? There is now a bowling alley and a pizza shop! You are encouraged to engage your surroundings and make the most of your life here.
[Voice, Action] OPEN!
03 August 2009 at 02:41 pm
[A very strange looking person is standing in the middle of sector three, looking disgruntled as new arrivals tend to do. He's examining the communicator, pressing various buttons before activity the feature that posts on the network.]

Alright, so who's going to explain to me just what the hell's going on here? Where am I and why the hell is this place such a freakin' dump? You know what? Someone just point me to the guy in charge down here. I wanna have a few words with 'em about some of these crimes I'm being charged for, the pirate thing is bullshit. ...Heh. Though I gotta say, you have me pegged down for the rest of em.